
I guess I'm too simple of a man, because that makes no sense to me...especially if the difference is only a week or two. Two months out, maybe.

Why would a company have an unveiling for a product that isn't ready to ship/sell? How does that make sense? Who's putting a gun to their head and forcing them to reveal prematurely?

Then I misunderstood the article. Why would Apple release a phone with a new OS, but not make it available to everyone? I don't see how that makes business sense. If iOS 7 is finished, why hold it back?

I didn't know Christian Slater was in this movie!

Of course they will release the two at the same time. Why would they release a new phone with an old OS, and then a new OS a week later? The new phones will have the new OS.

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." - Oogway, Kung Fu Panda (2008)

I have a 128GB SDXC card that I keep in my computer at all times (MBPR, late-2012). I read and write everything to/from it. Nothing is stored on my SSD except my OS.

Agree. I've heard from many sources as recent as last month that he will play the part "as long as fans want him to".

Interestingly, it doesn't matter what move you use, your shirt is likely to rip and tear off.

Concrete on top of wood looks nice. Concrete on top of those spindly wire legs...bad choice.

Looks like Doc Brown was right, the flux capacitor (1:42) is what makes time travel possible. I hope someone's working on making one.

Elizabeth Haydon - Symphony of Ages

I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens. — Woody Allen

Perhaps I missed this in the article, but reproduction age is more important than longevity. If members of a species primarily reproduce between 15 and 35 years of age, then how long they live after that has no bearing upon mutation. Once I stop reproducing, any genetic flaws or mutations I have will die with me. I'm

Unique, yes. Awesome, perhaps. But instantly recognizable? I would be shocked to discover more than a handful of people outside of Maryland who know that flag. And I'll bet there are a number of Marylanders who don't know it either. State flags are not well known outside their states. (If you had not said which state

I'm sure they will. The California-based names will be the basis for their next group of OS releases. They mentioned in the presentation that they are setting the stage for the next 10 years. So expect future releases to include other California locales.

I can see Russia from my house!

So, white chili isn't chili?

:) I don't take anything personally. But I do love to debate.

History? What are you taking about? Chili refers to the peppers and spice blend that is used, not what meat is in it or the inclusion of beans. Just look at "white chili." Beans, yes. Chicken, yes. But it's still considered chili because of the peppers (green chilies) and spices.