Scoop K

Every time this comes up I have the same response: renovate Kezar Stadium. It’s right at the end of Haight Street. Amoeba Records is right there and so is the doctor who will write you a medical pot prescription (a friend told me this). Plus what better way to honor the “Million Dollar Backfield”? YA Tittle, Hugh

Just for starters, he always looks like he got dressed in the dark.

One of the funnier things about this situation is that the 49ers guy in charge of getting this stadium built, Paraag Marathe, is on the board of directors of the latest attempt to bring decent governance to the sport of cricket in the USA, USA Cricket. It’s uh, not going well. Marathe was announced last August. Since

Jacksonville is a swamp with houses, not a city

Now playing

I don’t know which music is more appropriate for that clip. This:

To be fair, I think if Jesus had it all to do over again, he would have liked to be paid for his troubles 

Or just get a Marine into(or out of) any kind of tight space. I like to store my Marines as economically as possible, Marine lube is indispensable for that application.

Plays fall apart; the line cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the field,
The opposing rush is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity and stolen crab legs

When did Luc Longley stop looking like a 6th grade bully and start looking like a professor who got tenure at a community college?

No Country for Old Men

How come only the Fitzpatrick who didn’t go to Harvard is the one capable of figuring this out?

I’m a very stupid man.
I’ve always been a very stupid man.
I don’t think I’ve ever been stupider than when I thought, “Instant Replay will make the game better.”
So far, from the Kennedy assassination to Trump speeches, the only thing instant replay has made better is tennis - marginally...
/back to being stupid...

And now Dallas knows Washington’s game plan to run 55 times from the I-formation.

wonder if he went through a rebellious teenaged phase and became an awesome human between like 14 and 22. 

My old beer softball league allowed two homers per team per game. If a third ball cleared the fence, it was an out.

This seems like “I’m sorry - there was no way for me to know that she’d become single again right after you and I got married.”

Similar to football, you give the offensive player an opportunity to give himself up. Runner kneels on the bag, ball is declared dead.

Every fifty years you can count on a Rolling Stones concert in San Francisco ending in a fracas. Time is on their side.

The Rolling Stones won’t be upset for very long.

Enjoy the games, everyone.