About time Booker got defensive
About time Booker got defensive
Got u fam
pickup weenie should pair well with my truck nutz, link pls
“DangeRuss” Wilson has to be the Niedermeyer of all NFL quarterbacks...killed by his own troops teammates.
And The Twelves still don’t know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs.
I thought we established he didn't know how to shoot.
Haisley: Writing :: Cancer: Writing
Goddamn I like Warren, but Porky Pig himself couldn’t have handled this whole thing in a more ham handed fashion than she has over the last few years.
Might as well change your handle to That_Old_Guy now
+1 dramatic banjo solo
They really fucked it up this time, didn’t they my dear?
You missed an opportunity for an affiliate link to the linen shorts.
But I immediately blurted out “It’s for a gag!” anyway
The answer is and always should be the Champagne of Beers
Inadequate Man
$16 billion in tariff victim/US farmer welfare is mostly certainly and definitely lib propaganda.
Brown cannot wait to catch passes from Landry Jones again.
“I mean, I’d never really considered it. What if I really am just a belly-itcher?”
shoulda hired Uncle Dennis