Scoop K

Of course Europe makes you better. Spend five minutes with anyone who studied abroad and they’ll tell you.

I also always miss the put for triple bogie.

Mattingley’s sideburns are still too long. 

Free Chris Paul

“Do you want me to come down fast or slow?”

“Awww, that ain’t right. Those are American heroes. You just can’t go disrespecting them. Putting your bare feet...on their...*gulp* faces. Just your....naked toes on the lips and eyes....”

Sex workers rights not of paramount importance say men in alligator shoes.

there's a lot you could say about this but let's get right to it: what a disingenuous sack of shit

Give the woman a medal. Few are brave enough to return a lumbering white whale to the ocean

I wonder what could possibly have made Thomas Jefferson concerned about people being called racist? He must have slaved over writing those procedure documents and I just can’t quite put my finger on why he would be so worried about that. I feel like I’m missing 3/5ths of the issue here.

1202 also happens to be the projected number of losses for the Royals this year.

That being said, the alarm error situation is a little known fact about Apollo 11 and more people should be aware of it! Can you imagine approaching a new planet for the first time in the history of our species, and then a crazy alarm goes off, and Mission Control is like “Nah nbd keep going.”

Pete Alonso: [glances into camera, tries to wipe smirk off face] Also, I think the Mets have the look of a real contender this year.

As treatment for melanoma is considered medically necessary by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, as a taxpayer I commend her fashion sense.

That headline, devoid of the context of his birthday, made me think he died. Glad to know he’s alive. RIP, however, to those defenders’ ankles.

My first live sports memory is the 1988 Holiday Bowl. I was seven. I didn’t know who Barry Sanders was, and, in fact, waited halfway through the second quarter before I asked my dad “who is the orange man?” He went for 5 TDs and 222 yards on 29 attempts. It’s like his fifth best game that year. He really was this cool

Don’t forget Rick Ankiel before and during the yips. A reenactment:

I’d like to see Rob Manfred try to make Jim Leland wear a patch.

And just to add onto this, the reason they needed to use the stretch provision and drag it out over 3 years (double the length of the remaining years plus one) is because that $4.4 million would have put them over the Luxury Tax threshold and triggered the repeater penalty (being over the luxury tax threshold in 3 of

You grabbed Schefter when Trey Wingo is out there? What a fucking disgrace BW’s