Scoop K

how can I best express my twin loves for Swede and weed

“Ha-ha, yeah, your son, right.”

that’s quite a comment, let me give you a hand

while we’re asking questions about the club, may as well debate how many strippers can dance on the head of a Pinson

yeah man, either shit or get off the wheelchair!

basically this makes him the Sammy Hagar of hip hop

blargh, like a photo negative of Mnuchin and Louise Linton

the way he took Britton out Vlad Jr should be the next UK Prime Minister

go back to the moors, jackass

impeachment doesn’t preclude imprisonment! It’s not a criminal trial, it’s a political matter that the courts are not involved in. 

Raps shot 50-40-90 for the game which is a defensive tire fire for the Warriors; don’t care how many stiffs you gotta play they can still run dudes off of open shots.

something fishy going on with Casablanca?

the correct joke is “if you want to run, you can’t Hyde”

also you posted this on HUMP day omg omg lol

just this once, Allen Iverson approves 

are they all made by my ex, or just the ones tested

arrr ‘tis true, the sight of gold drives many a Pirate mad

jeez, the Mets can’t even go two weeks without the Yankees having a better, more interesting Frazier beef

hope they left a gift basket after all that scoring