The very best talent that SNL ever produced didn’t become the best by sticking with SNL. It’s time for that guy to fly.
The very best talent that SNL ever produced didn’t become the best by sticking with SNL. It’s time for that guy to fly.
I said this in another article a few weeks back, but I legitimately miss Hollywood Squares and wish it would be rebooted.
Almost 20 years later I still remember that. It was so hilarious because they were so PAINFULLY dumb. The celebrities are all given the answers before hand and simply choose to answer correctly or make up a silly joke/story to fill in time (veil lifted, mind blown, amirite?!?!). Gottfried got obvious with them…
My favorite part of that episode was when it returned from commercial break to Tom Bergeron announcing, “Welcome back to the Gilbert Gottfried Show!”
As a Belgian-American, former youth bocce champion, and author of the definitive Mad About You fan guide I am offended by your comment.
I’ve heard that he talked about the toxicity in their relationship after it ended and that this may be a rare case of a mutually toxic/abusive relationship. I’m curious to see how we deal with something like that, if it, in fact, ends up being true.
or The Blunchblack Of Blotre Blame.
an African prince sent to Transylvania in 1780 to secure the help of one Count Dracula in fighting the slave trade.
Blacula is played surprisingly straight. I came into it expecting Dolemite with vampires, and was surprised that it has more in common with a Hammer Dracula film than any blaxploitation movie.
I’m really hoping the Queen Movie that is coming out in November can be added to this list.
Yeah not so much great as sad that male gays apparently can’t have happy endings.
Maurice will always be special to me, especially as it was the movie that helped me accept I was gay. It’s really beautiful. I don’t think people today quite know just how rare it was for a film at that time to have a happy ending for a same-sex couple, or to have a movie for men that was so lush and unabashedly…
And it wasn’t even mean. His whole point was that it was a really intense assembly for a bunch of 8 year olds first thing in the morning. He goofed on some of his mannerisms and more outlandish tips but I don’t recall anything mean spirited. People comparing it to Around Shaffer being a horrible asshole to that…
Arguably he crossed more of a line in ‘The Comeback Kid’ when he told a story about Bill Clinton’s habit of trying to walk any nearby college girl back to her dorm in the hopes of fucking her; that was from before he was a public figure and was a personal anecdote. But I think we all realised that Bill Clinton’s a…
I kind of agree, but when the name is something “J.J. Bittenbinder,” how do you NOT use that?
Absolutely a public figure. And it’s not like Mulaney exposed his bathroom habits or whatever; he discussed the public persona of a public figure—the very thing Bittenbinder wanted to be known for. Once you make a deliberate choice to present your own ideas for public consumption, you can’t then prevent other people…
yeah, but he also talked down to working class people by chiding Theo about becoming a bus driving, so again, Fuck Cosby.
As soon as he was diagnosed with dyslexia, Theo should have lawyered up and sued Cliff for the years of emotional abuse he endured because of academic failings that were largely due to a learning disability.
I loved the show but it always bothered me how shitty they were to their kids sometimes. Just straight up mocking them or calling them dumb, especially poor Theo.
Huh. I thought the show was really funny for the first few years, if still a family sitcom where lessons were learned and hugs were given at the end of each episode (the kind of thing Seinfeld rebelled against with its “no hugging, no learning” motto.) I stopped watching when FOX did the ballsy move of moving The…