
“Peter Fonda as Richard Petty in the Marcel Marceau Story”

Yeah. That was my thought. I’m a hetero woman, so I don’t know if this is really the case, but it seems that tragic endings are the default for gay male dramas, unless it’s coming-of-age stuff. Thoughts?

Thalmus Rasulala was great as Raj and Dee’s Dad on What’s Happening.

Keep dreaming.

I think April being a literal psycho made this a little less interesting. Aren’t you just asking for retaliation when you look into somebody’s eyes and tell them you are going to haunt them and psychologically torture them for the rest of their lives?

I think you may have put more thought into Julian’s character than the writers did. I have found him to be as narcissistic as some of the other characters—just meaner and without a sense of humor.

Yes. Love it! Would you be my grandma?

Starting to agree with all of you who say this show is getting too moody and sad for its own good. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if half of them killed themselves.

Amen! (Although she’s still not as bad as Betty Draper)

Also, Portia’s selfie with the border patrol guy is going to come back and haunt them when they deny being in Montreal, right?

I agree with pretty much everything in this review and I want to know what happens next, but does anybody else find this show rather depressing? I think I might need to drink while watching the next episodes.

Remember the story of his assistant who died in 70's? A TV biopic told his story from her point of view about 20 years ago. Very sad.

Hey, if you can get picky with your bro weekend....

Great reviews! First Reformed sounds like my cup of tea. Also, I finally got around to watching “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy,” and it’s now one of my favorite movies of all time. Oldman should play that character in every movie he does.

Kids aren’t supposed to like Neil Diamond or Barry Manilow, so I don’t feel too bad about how awful I talked about them. Now, I enjoy quite a few of their songs. #notashamed

Spite and hatefulness seem to keep some people alive forever, while it kills others whose blood pressure and heart can’t take it. I wish some scientists would research this for the rest of us morons.

I guess we’re supposed to see things through the main character’s point of view, but all I can see is the three guys all look 15 years old and not at all sexy.

“I Pray for You,” pretty good for a 2010 country tune. (I pray your tire blows out at 110; I pray you pass out drunk with your best friend.) That might have been the last year I paid attention to country radio.

That photo is adorable!!

Perfect opportunity for me to pitch my gritty Mama’s Family reboot: Mama and Eunice are selling their opioid pain meds out of Mama’s kitchen to make ends meet. Eunice’s son, Bubba, is a vice detective who starts to suspect what they are up to. You’re welcome.