
Pretty sure he checked out of the show in the last three seasons and simply didn’t care enough to criticize them. The first five seasons represented his (partially born) baby, while the last three were fan fiction based on what were probably very loose notes and general outlines. Sort of like trying to write a

Of all the scenes he didn’t write, given the last three somewhat disastrous seasons, that’s the one that bugs him the most?

I think “Cancel culture doesn’t exist” or “isn’t a thing” is meant to be shorthand for “as long as you’re rich and/or famous (and most likely white and male).

Right-wingers are just mad the people being canceled now aren’t gay teachers or socialist actors, but genuinely shitty people.

Remember in that episode of Louie when he tried to rape that woman he had been crushing on, and he chased her around his apartment trying to force himself on her until she just gave up and said fuck it?

i am so sorry i cannot tell if you’re trolling or not and i’m genuinely invested in whether or not you’re trolling.

To each their own. Thought it was absolutely the best episode of the series. Also. The boys has been an incredible breath of fresh air especially on how stale the superhero genre and MCU has been (especially since Endgsme). 

He looks like Pennywise. I can only assume they were trying to hide his normal mane under a bald cap. It’s highly distracting.

That's a forty-head

It’s hard obsessed, though, because her voice is so bonkers. It adds to the whole incredulity  of the story. She was so bizarre and weird and yet people threw money at her. I mean, she comes off as a complete nut job and yet everybody seemed to pretend it was normal 


I thought the Snow White dwarfs were always fantasy-style ones and not just humans with dwarfism? Can anyone explain to me how this is functionally different from, say, the dwarfs in LotR who also live underground?

Quick Comment:

I know that there are two sides, but I find myself initially siding with the person who came back to work soon after major surgery rather than a huge corporation.

I don’t think it’s her place to name names of the people who got injured or attacked, that’s putting them on blast when maybe they don’t want to. If the people she talked about want to come out and confirm what happened to them, that’s their decision, it’s not hers.

As I was reading the article I was thinking of ways to delicately and sensitively call attention to certain things… but then I saw your comment and decided to star it instead. His good deeds don’t balance out even the whitewashing of the Mai Lai massacre, never mind his empty vial performance at the UN which led to

There is no other take for any adult with a shred of empathy. I’m going to absolutely lose it when the rest of the cabal is posthumously lionized.

Why? The lives of the Bush administration is proof positive that karma does not exist in any form.

Said no one ever.  Find me a quote from one single person who would condemn Powell and cheer on the Taliban.  Why post such obvious nonsensical lies?