
I would rather they redo all those plots, they certainly have more ability to expand the lore within the MCU proper

Not much of a Batman fan but I would hope the silly bat costume does more than hide him in shadow. I also assume the 2 second clip is right before him gasping for breath/ dealing with bruising, etc.

I liked what they tried to do in KOTOR 2 with the combat. Halfway through the game it became ridiculously easy, but I still enjoyed the “evolution” of the swordplay and melee as you leveled up and the saber and force forms you could switch to depending on who you were facing.

I was a kid during the Bush years but even I remember how despicable the Republicans were during that time.

I know people give the first Saints Row game a lot of shit, but it was aping off a series that was about as subtle as a brick, even as it “matured” with GTA 4 and 5. I mean what other game lets you take on Vin Diesel and his uncle David Carradine in shitty looking lime green muscle cars?!

I think its a masterpiece compared to the Ayer film, its exactly what a Suicide Squad movie should be. Waller is actually competent and her actions make sense, the mission is actually appropriate for the team, the characters are all great and well-acted, there’s no overtly racist caricatures, etc.

Its pretty amazing how much this movie succeeded in every way the Ayer’s film failed.

It looks good, but the whole “Legends are made not born” thing is funny when Tony Soprano’s whole shtick is just being a pathetic asshole overseeing the downfall of his organization/way of life. He’s a legend in the same manner as the last Byzantine emperor’s a legend, but at least that guy went out fighting with his

He’s about the same height as Vera Farmiga, so he can’t rely on the somewhat imposing stature his dad had. Fingers crossed

The fandom knows roughly where the story goes, with or without Martin actually writing it down.

Those sweaty-toothed fans KNOW how its going to end, they had the endgame sketched out roughly well before Game of Thrones even premiered, so I think the biggest shame will be that the show’s ending will be the definitive ending for the wider audience. So Dany just winds up a joke character who went from being sold by

We know now explicitly based on the show that those characters are NOT distractions or red herrings, considering the fact the writers had to make Arya and Cersei fill their roles/contributions to the story( with the flimsiest logic possible, btw, like Arya finishes her zombie mother’s vengeance in half an episode and

Have you read the books recently? It seems like your memory of the books has been overtaken by the show, because the whole endgame of the show is completely different from the endgame set up in the books.


Lol, I don’t like to leave trolls unanswered, its true.


Lol, please ask him where he went down to. 

Why would I be mad about a troll? I would’ve given up on the internet entirely if pathetic little cunts like you upset me. As always, eat shit!:)

LOL, yeah sure. You came out swinging first there, cunt. So as always, go fuck yourself!

You had the aneurism somewhere along the line because you forgot that YOU addressed me, not the other way around. My comment was directed to Leftists( or rational people who might be able to recognize Apartheid and ethnic cleansing) and you chose to jump in with-