
Wait, you honestly think there is a chance the small fire she started killed all of the powerful dark side force users? I mean why is that even a question you’re entertaining?

The lack of media literacy in the reviews and reactions to this weeks episode is staggering.

Wherever there is injustice, you will find him...

Agreed it’s a stretch but also as a southern VA native... there’s a lot of folks who have not gotten over the civil war, including the schooling system. What I would have given for a good history education *sigh*

I’m surprised at how many Depp supporters there are still. It interesting that one of Johnny Depp’s lawyers Adam Waldman has a good relationship with Russian oligarchs. I’ve noticed that the only thing that people can say about Heard is she shit in the bed and Dog stepped on a bee. Some brought up that said that she

I think I get what he’s saying re: tangible physical moves. The duel of the fates is lovely, but it *is* very choreographed in ways that kinda make it feel like a theme park stunt show. 

Fans: “We want to see Spider-man movies where he fights his most famous villains from the comics!”

Thank god. Cleopatra was the inbred descendant of colonizers that very likely murdered her brother, lived in unimaginable luxury while her people were largely in misery and was directly responsible for leading her country into a war in which thousands died. Why the hell does anyone see that resume and *want* to

“Streaming video may be high-def... but our vengeance will be in 480p.”

The villain should’ve been the DVD manufacturers that Dom’s crew were stealing from.

“My client has retained the same team as Johnny Depp. You can take the settlement or you can get the Amber Heard treatment, complete with social media botfarm blitz and enough screeching incels to make GamerGate look like a love-in, feeding into a legacy-media outreach that’ll make anyone over 50 think you’re poison

Series finale spoilers:

I would kill for another Titanfall game. Every so often I’ll fire it up for the single player campaign.  Another great IP, down the drain.

She was brilliant in everything I saw her in, from 24 (where I first became aware of her) to her wonderfully nuanced and creepy turn in Picard.

It was officially confirmed in a statement by Adult Swim, so . . . yes, I’m pretty sure it’s true that they’re cutting him loose.

Aw jeez.

Frankly the only thing I think was 100% wrong was this whole thing revolving around the possibility that the accusation cost Depp jobs/roles. Way before this Heard shit, we’ve heard stories about him being an asshole. Plus we’ve seen plenty of supposedly canceled people come back and get roles in stuff regardless of

It’s probably more accurate to describe it as:
“Not an elaborate toy commercial.”

In GOT who was it that said, “They are dragons, they can never be tamed”?

I didn’t mind the “blink and miss it” deaths given that that went along with the realism of the heist (stuff like that all happens very fast).