Yup, any time a foreign politician utters the words, “Land Reform”, the assholes of every bureaucrat in the US State Department simultaneously clench up
Yup, any time a foreign politician utters the words, “Land Reform”, the assholes of every bureaucrat in the US State Department simultaneously clench up
“And this is why you’re a fucking idiot as I’m not on the left but hey, at least you tried to make the dunk.”
“Alternately, one could assume that their ranks would grow and could actually become a minority if the government wasn’t routinely throwing people in jail for their political beliefs.”
“and here’s where we both disagree.”
“They have a website! You can follow them on Twitter! This is honestly your most ridiculous take. “My guy is so popular that there’s literally no opposition.” That’s insane. Every leader ever has had opposition. If you can’t find any, that means they’re dead or in prison.”
Well anyone not from the States I assume can only do so much, but withIN the States they can pressure their elected officials, organize protests or to vote out politicians. Because ultimately it IS the US that continues this conflict, it protects Israel from any action by the UN, and it gives it billions of dollars…
“Tell that to the people who are being thrown in jail for speaking out against the regime. Those people are Cuban people too. They count despite your insistence that they don’t even exist.”
“I haven’t said it clearly, but I’m also against the US embargo and think we should normalize relations with Cuba because they’re no different than other countries we’re chummy with like Saudi Arabia.”
“I’ve done nothing of the sort. I just don’t think American imperialism is an excuse that gives a foreign political leader carte blanche to trample the freedoms of their citizens.”
“Though clearly some people refuse to do so because they care more about their political agenda than actual human lives.”
“And yes, I did see how you set me up before I even made my comment, but I was hoping you would make a good faith response regardless”
So they beat Palestinians and arrest children so they might eventually vote out on Right-wing fascist for another?
The tragedy is the perpetuation of Zionism with the excuse of “Progressive quasi-socialism”
Which, again will do nothing, Gaza will still be blockaded and immiserated, Palestinians will still be thrown out of their homes and gangs of militant Zionists will still harass Palestinians whenever the IDF gets bored. The only real hope for change is if US withdraws its support and that’s only possible if…
“Hamas’s rising to power is absolutely because of Israeli oppression.”
They were struck down for not being brutal ENOUGH, doesn’t mean both weren’t still brutal. This is a country that elected the head of a “terrorist organization” responsible for the death of a Swedish diplomat, but apparently it was the suicide bombers that radicalized the population...
“The PA identified 40% of Palestinian casualties as civilians.”
Those all mostly have indirect or direct support of the state and corporate media and none of their complaints can be wholly blamed on Castro’s regime, see how I set you up there? These people have an interest in maintaining the neo-liberal order and dissidents within Cuba have ample power to have their voices…
Its not relevant when talking about how that “nuance” that both you and Ruffalo adopt does nothing to address the real issues at hand
“A Corbyn Stan account calling anyone else’s view of history “overly simplified” is rich, to say the least.”