
Honestly, aside from not seeing an overabundance of dildo bats, gimp suits, and hookers in any of the trailers, it still reminds me a whole lot of SR3 in terms of over-the-top action and cartoonish gang violence. Even this whole idea that the Saints are now a business/criminal empire / whatever you want to call it

I Saints Row 2 balanced the silliness while still keeping it grounded perfectly. Where the option to do insane, over the top nonsense is there like spray city blocks with poop but the city felt like a real place and likable characters.

One of the best running jokes is the rest of the team realizing Archer is the way he is because of Malroy.

Gonna do my best to enjoy the next season. It’s just not going to be the same without her.

What day did you live in that jokes were objectively funny?  Was it never? I bet it was never.

“I haven’t watched or read anything from this guy, but he certainly does elicit that reaction at a glance.”

Well, who needs more than a glance to form a whole bunch of opinions? A glance is practically a deep dive in 2021. Well done, you.

What of those policies has passed? In any event, it doesn’t strike me as particularly socialist/leftist/egalitarian to start running around telling people they don’t do “real” work and so they deserve less than other people who do supposedly more valuable work.

“Just live somewhere cheaper!” is almost always a bad take. He likes living in Los Angeles, and can afford to continue to do so. Good for him. He brought the criticism on himself with his years of red hot rhetoric, but that doesn’t make any of it reasonable. 

Also, Bernie fucking shows up to a real job and votes on bills and advocates for policy. He’s got a resume and receipts. He’s allowed to indulge a little bit, IMO, because he’s still advocating for a specific social democracy vision. Plus he doesn’t put on stupid vintage campaign hats and make dumb whiteboi faces on


No there are 3 groups:

- normal people who think it’s nice he was able to buy a house in the city he lives in and understand how much money he makes because it’s been transparent the whole time.

- always online parasocial leftist weirdos who feel like they can dictate how and where he lives his life (he doesn’t know who

so Professor Oak really didn’t invent the pokedex and it was all a lie to get rid of a 10 year old kid so he could date their mom.

Please give Daniela Melchior more roles. Damn, did she have charisma.

That was more like how the Ayer Suicide Squad should have been. Absurd and and almost comically over-the-top violent at times.

Really REALLY impressive flick. Saw it last night on an IMAX screen, even though it didn’t appear to be shot to take advantage of the format.


What’s weird about Yoda’s speech pattern is that in ESB it’s actually not that crazy. When he’s pretending to be the crazy guy it’s a lot more kooky, and then when he’s just normal Jedi Master Yoda, it’s actually pretty sensible syntax for the most part with long stretches of normal speech. “You must unlearn what you

One of my favorite parts of the movie was the soldiers putting holes through Nathan Fillion’s floating, disembodied arms while he writhes around on the ground 50 feet away.

The thing that struck me in the trailers was how smart it was to bring the John Cena character into the group — having a guy who’s over-the-top earnest and straight edge feels like a really fun contrast, as opposed to the first movie’s “We are all dark and sad and grim” vibe. 

He’s among the Sam Worthingtons and Jai Courtneys of the world to me, ie. the Boring Lead Men Who Must Be Stopped, although ironically it was the last Suicide Squad that actually almost took Courtney off that list for me, with his goofy scenery chewing Captain Boomerang.