
Can’t believe the guys who’ve tried (often successfully) to infiltrate and destroy every single movement for liberation and positive social change in US history didn’t investigate the right-wing judge more thoroughly.

Trump didn’t radicalize anything. He waddled into a reactionary environment ripe for the taking. The FBI has always been a shitty organization. Research their surveillance and harassment of MLK. Nothing has changed. 

It was patently obvious when he was nominated why Carrotface von Golfcart nominated this idiot and everybody knew it. It’s just that the Republicans in the Senate were to afraid of being primaried by one of His Orangeness’s legion of followers that got him confirmed. His performance and lack of professional demeanor

How does this look like dogshit? Hell, the Wuthering Heights-style generational echoes between Dickie-Tony and Tony-Chris alone look like they’re worth watching.

WOW does James’s kid look like him. I just hope he can act a little because he has some big shoes to fill.

It is very odd as Brits usually only steal African American music.

It is very odd as Brits usually only steal African American music. 


I definitely had a brief moment where I thought this episode was going to officially re-canonize Agents of Shield into the MCU. Would’ve been an appropriately weird way to do it. 

By the way, these fucking... all of these c****, dude, on CNN and every other establishment outlet. They, none of them can even say this motherfucker’s name right, dude. Goddamn. If you’re gonna fucking act like they’re being racist, the least you can, you dumb shits, is say the man’s name right, dude. “Chunk Weger”.

The video you linked has him clearly not even addressing the woman, but CNN as a whole for purposely mispronouncing his name.

I have always been angry Allison Tolman didn't become a huge star after Fargo season 1.  But I'm always glad when she shows up all the same.

“At that age [19], teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”

So she entered a pageant and/or attended some weird debutante event. Is there any indication that she was aware it had a racist history? It may be hard for some on here to believe, but googling the damn thing wasn’t an option in 1999.

You understand that the Dalai Lama societal structure is that of serfdom right? He and his handful of court members basically owned over 3000 slaves with no human rights before they were chased out of China, which allowed their land to be redistributed among the slaves they owned. To associate with him is to condone

....Cuba is not in South America, it’s in the Caribbean which is part of North America. Not a single other far cry game has taken place in a specifically latin American country. They set a Ghost Recon game in Bolivia a few years back and one could be forgiven for thinking that’s far cry but that also carried

I don’t really think they can hide behind “I didn’t say the word politics!” here...they brought up fascism and martial law. Those are political constructs by their nature. Fascism is a political movement. Martial law is a political state of being. It’s pretty disingenuous to ask a question about those things and then

They did release a dedicated political statement, which is that their very political game is apolitical.

Season 7 was in fact totally horrible. At least if you stopped to think through any of the things the characters said or did anyway. That entire season was just the writers desperately trying to hide that they were wasting everyone’s time. That season is filled with the worst writing I’ve ever seen. The writing isn’t

I remember an interview where Sophie Turner said that D&D had told her she’d get a “love interest” in season 5. That’s certainly one way to call a rapist.