
The tragedy is the perpetuation of Zionism with the excuse of “Progressive quasi-socialism”

Which, again will do nothing, Gaza will still be blockaded and immiserated, Palestinians will still be thrown out of their homes and gangs of militant Zionists will still harass Palestinians whenever the IDF gets bored. The only real hope for change is if US withdraws its support and that’s only possible if

Hamas’s rising to power is absolutely because of Israeli oppression.”

They were struck down for not being brutal ENOUGH, doesn’t mean both weren’t still brutal. This is a country that elected the head of a “terrorist organization” responsible for the death of a Swedish diplomat, but apparently it was the suicide bombers that radicalized the population...

The PA identified 40% of Palestinian casualties as civilians.”

Those all mostly have indirect or direct support of the state and corporate media and none of their complaints can be wholly blamed on Castro’s regime, see how I set you up there? These people have an interest in maintaining the neo-liberal order and dissidents within Cuba have ample power to have their voices

Its not relevant when talking about how that “nuance” that both you and Ruffalo adopt does nothing to address the real issues at hand

A Corbyn Stan account calling anyone else’s view of history “overly simplified” is rich, to say the least.”

I’m questioning your motivation in doing so. Its like complaining when a bee stings you before you crush it, it just doesn’t make sense as to why you would be so fixated on it

The Anti-Corbyn smear campaign was intense, and even state side there are attempts at accusing Progressives like Sanders and Cortez of Anti-Semitism sprinkled through the occasional Op-Eds

Never met an anti-Corbynite that wasn’t also anti-Sanders and Cortez, you’re a unicorn.

Lol, ease up on the white bourgeois Western thing, fellow white guy

It is when you’re talking about a target of aggression’s response to aggression. Its the kind of nuance that halts the conversation, it doesn’t enrich it in anyway by pointing out “killing is bad”

There has been a lot of credible reporting and investigations from private organizations that confirm Castro’s decades of human rights violations.”

Then your understanding of history is overly simplified

than folks shrieking about how the only way to deal with Die Juden’s money controlling the media and the governments to let them feast on children is to boycott their businesses and break their windows”

The populist left on this side of the pond doesn’t know how to dogwhistle, so they just replace “Jew” with “Zionist” in old anti-Semitic tropes.”

The rightward Israeli shift can be directly tied to the half-decade of suicide bombings at the turn of the 21st century making it political poison to adopt anything but a “Tough on Hamas” stance.”

Then I don’t understand the point of your rhetoric

His treatment of political dissidents was nothing compared to his predecessors, and his treatment of the LGBTQ Cuban community improved significantly over time. You’re willfully accepting the State Dept’s narrative when you call him a dictator, from the beginning of his revolution, when he kicked out the mob and the