
I’ve barely seen ANY anti-Semitic bullshit that justifies the media narrative. It’s almost like the Israel lobby has spent billions each year trying to tie together criticism of Zionism itself with anti-Semitism, thereby cheapening actual anti-Semitism and allowing even the expression of Palestinian solidarity to be

Hamas’s power base is in a place from which Israel voluntarily withdrew, haha.”

I don’t know that the show was saying that the rape was a necessary part of Sansa’s character growth; it changed her, but not necessarily in a good way. And yes, she got far colder and less trusting afterwards; that’s how you would expect someone to react.”

But can you say that one side has a bigger impact on the other, that one side is ultimately the driver of the conflict? Or do you think Hamas would still send the rockets if Israel were to suddenly stop their settler expansion and ethnic cleansing?

I can condemn the US for invasions and sanctions and condemn Cuba for their numerous human rights violations.”

The problem is that the Israel lobby has done their utmost to equate the two. They very nearly succeeded equating anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism, that’s official US policy at this point, regardless of whether its a Rep or Dem in the White House.

This is the weirdest kind of centrist argument, like what does approaching this situation from the middle actually accomplish? And how does one go about conceptualizing a “middle” in this whole thing? Where is the middle in a war between a military state with billions of $ in defense spending and more from US support

I wonder if Israel realized that when it decided to fund and promote them to counteract Fatah and the PLO?

So you wouldn’t even denounce American interventionism in foreign countries? Like is recruiting and training radicalized exiles to invade a country and then enacting devastating sanctions against it when that fails too “morally grey” to condemn?

The thing about the show that we can all say for certain is that there are NO themes or messages the writers are trying to convey. As one of the D&D’s once said, “Themes are for grade school book reports”. There was no attempt at saying something when they had Sansa jump in to her own rape and brutalization. It just

“Regardless, the point isn’t about the plotting, it’s about the characterization and treating the subject of rape with thoughtfulness. GRRM didn’t have to make Ramsay a monster, he didn’t have to have Jeyne fall into his clutches, but if it’s necessary to the story that Ramsay be a rapist and someone get raped by him,

I had to split my response up, so sorry in advance

Lol, you forgot the quotation marks.

You’re quite vigorous in your defense of rape as character development and of the showrunners, almost as vigorous as when you pleasure yourself to golden retrievers

The thing about GRRM is he doesn’t pretend Tyrion is the greatest guy who ever lived, he’s a dark character who’s been through horrible shit and lashes out at, most often at people who can’t fight back

Not as vigorously as you when you see a golden retriever

You think rape is legitimate character development, you’re the kind of misogynist who gets off on it

You’re really hung up on the dog fucking, is one sentence of dialogue really enough to excite you this much? I feel like you need to be put on some watchlist for anyone with pets that move within 100 feet of you

Like, it is better that a conventional rape happened to Sansa and we saw its aftermath for her than that some cardboard side character with no agency was forced to have sex with dogs in her place”

Oh well then I’m glad she was raped, otherwise she wouldn’t have been smart enough to escape her rapist as the writers you support intended