
Which means your reading comprehension IS the joke. Deaths of characters also affects other characters, you don’t seem to understand what “story” is

Wow this really devolved completely, huh? It’s almost like your whole argument was a farce

Lol, ok enjoy your special playlist of women being raped played on a loop

Lol, ok dude, if you can’t discern between allusion and actual depiction, then that’s on you. Your outrage is based upon a single line of dialogue, which really highlights how indirect storytelling has more of an effect than actually showing something outright. The show had nearly a whole season depicting Theon’s physi

Bullshit. You said it served Ramsay and Theon, not “the larger story.” Now you get called on the fact that you had a rape strengthen the causes of two men and you’re all about the larger story.”

She fucking marries the guy that helped kill her family for NO other reason other than to get raped. If you’re able to excuse this with no real problem then I can excuse the briefest allusion to “fetishized dog sex”

The thing is you could say that about everything. How did all those peasants getting slaughtered affect the peasants and their character developments?? Rob Stark’s death was the same, it was fuel for other character drama. Awful shit happens and the characters that are still alive and able to do something substantive

Regardless of whether he does or doesn’t. we already KNOW the broadstrokes. Even the broad broad strokes the book fans have known since the 90's. 

I’m not defending the dog rape, I’m saying that whatever awful shit happens its not focused on like it is in the show, its only ever mentioned or alluded to. There’s plenty to criticize over Jeyne’s treatment but if it was depicted in the show it would have actually BEEN depicted.

As for the Stannis-Shireen stuff, GRRM told the showrunners that would be coming in a future book.”

That was high-quality storytelling right there.”

It was a mess before they stopped adapting the books too. Season 5 was just as bad as 7 and 8 but everybody seemed to love it.

I hope they do that white eye thing in the movie, Deadpool showed it could be done and look good. Its not really “logical” but neither is Batman having black paint around his eyes that suddenly disappears  when he takes his cowl off

I’m ten years out of high school but I still remember being a senior and thinking all the incoming freshmen were still basically kids fresh out of middle school. I really think anyone at that age willing to pursue a child is a burgeoning pedophile

Yes! Fuck Joe Pesci!

Sicario was not a particularly smart or deep movie, it tried to portray the evils of the drug war and police militarization but its politics were so muddled it didn’t work. What makes that movie work is the performances and the director, not the script

It didn’t describe WHAT the evidence was but it did clearly show the guy had evidence implicating the assassins’ employers. That kind of ambiguity is fine and it’s nice not to have yet another movie involving the mob or organized crime, it seemed as though it was all government/corporate corruption and that’s always

It didn’t describe WHAT the evidence was but it did clearly show the guy had evidence implicating the assassins’ employers. That kind of ambiguity is fine and it’s nice not to have yet another movie involving the mob or organized crime, it seemed as though it was all government/corporate corruption and that’s always

Does that include Chloe? I’m halfway through and predicting a Jaina/Jacen Solo scenario in the endgame, how far off the mark am I?

I’m halfway through and I really like Duhamel in this despite the hair and makeup, and I actually find myself admiring his character in the same way Alt-Righties admire Rorschach, except the author is Millar and not Moore so I’m actually justified