
The next episode will have the Legends uniting JFK and Castro to take down Allen Dulles, its gonna be great!

ME 1 and 2 are such different games, I don’t think people really understand just how much.

To hell with that! I can’t kill Raphael Sbarge and that sexy as hell voice of his, that’s crazy.

And again, I agree with you, EVERY death is like that, that’s life, that’s reality. Its infinitely depressing, dark and horrible that’s why we entertain ourselves to “escape” that reality

I think it would’ve been a great opportunity to just cast an unknown, a struggling theater or tv actor, etc, and expose them to a wider audience.

It was pretty crazy, and it felt a bit gratuitous after Mark and his friends were just hanging out at the burger place.

Yeah, but the MCU is a fantasy/superhero series where Bilbo Baggins recovers from a gunshot to the spine with Wakandan super tech and T’Challa becomes king in his forties and winds up planning to open up his country and help the world. If the character HAS to pass with the actor, then he should pass on in some grand

Really entertaining and really f!cking brutal.

The weird thing for me is that every successive EU story/project that’s come out exploring the Prequel era makes it much better in retrospect and the stuff they have exploring the new Sequel era is doing the opposite.

Never claimed he did, calm down. He figures out the betrayal first because he was literally mentored by him, he shoots him rather than trying to reason with him as he would have before because he learned the two big lessons from him don’t trust anyone( further cemented when Qira leaves) and people are predictable

I thought I was specific enough, he’s FAR more willing to kill, less trusting, less idealistic, overall more competent and decisive. The Han we see at the start would not have shot Beckett like he did after being mentored by the man. And after having his dearest friend/love betray him for her own ambition, he’s far

Well there’s the problem, personality and character are different things. It sounds like you wanted the actor to change his whole demeanor, and that would’ve been unnecessary. He’s young Han who’s been through a fair bit of misery, puts on the charm and swagger despite it and then goes through a journey that

He shoots Beckett, knowing he would outdraw and kill him otherwise and then immediately has his faith in Qira destroyed when she bails on him and tops it off by refusing the call to rebellion despite clearly sympathizing with them and outplaying his new buddy Lando for the Falcon. All of that clearly sets up the

Solo is a pretty mediocre movie with baffling choices but its still fun, and there IS a character arc. He gets his cynicism and his shoot-first, semi-selfish attitude from his mentor and childhood romance’s betrayal, that’s one of the few story beats the movie gets right

He didn’t have full control until the Prequels and before Return of the Jedi, he was working with Kurtz who along with Marcia Lucas, Kershner, etc were the real creative forces behind those movies.

Ok, so list of terrorists by your definition- 9/11 hijackers, Capitol hill rioters... America, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc, etc

Obviously the showrunner being the same guy who made The Inhumans was the root of it all, Finn Jones being like a tiny branch on that problem tree

I don’t even want to try sussing out what they mean by Disney pandering, but I DO want to see Iron Fist done right. Bland white Game of Thrones guy aside, that show was bad and if this movie is as good as it looks, maybe it will encourage Disney to give IF another shot

I get what they were going for, the new Cap and Bucky without powers going up against actual super soldiers, but it was just too silly without giving them even a rifle

If the finale gives him more time to shine enough for me to forget the first half of the series, maybe. My problem with the character is how he was introduced into the action. They just send him in with his partner, both suited up and without powers or any other specialized equipment other than the shield and some pist