
Yay for the Children of Men reunion! And for Moore and Owens apparent immortality, damn they look good

Give it back to Pegg and Sulu’s husband, despite the box office 3 really was the best of the new movies

Rowe is in every video shared every racist PoS upper-middle class uncle on Facebook, so of course he’s a shill, he always has been

The only offer he should accept is as Darth Jar Jar, make him canon Disney!

I’m more worried about the military propaganda aspect of the show more than the race commentary. I understand Marvel has had a friendly relationship with the Pentagon, etc, and that Captain Marvel was basically just an extended Air Force recruitment video, but this whole plotline is strange.

Your gif game is on point, but you’re obviously more invested in this shit than you let on, otherwise you wouldn’t keep bothering me.

Lol, relax? I’m not the person triggered by someone making claims without “hard facts” in a silly argument. Take your own advice and let it be, dog-less pedantic man.

This isn’t a court of law, its a bullshit little argument that you seem to be overly invested in. I gave you the all the “facts” necessary to support my idea, the old EU ideas are back and the Space Aryans are papered over, its not that difficult to see why

I gave you the reasons for my inference, agree with it or don’t, it doesn’t matter.

I gave you the reasons for my inference, agree with it or don’t, it doesn’t matter.

I would amend my original post then to say fan response motivated changes to Rebels and The Mandalorian, when Lucas wasn’t directly behind the wheel. Filoni hasn’t said anything publicly, but he does respond to fan opinion, he goes with what works. Both those shows have gone out of their way to reintroduce old lore,

They brought in more elements of the EU as the series went on, and later in Rebels and The Mandalorian while burying the whole Space Aryans thing as deep as they could. They introduced Clans when that concept was no where in the initial intro, PoC later on in Rebels, etc and adoption later on in the Mandalorian.

I just think the Space Aryans was an insult, intentional or not, this is the guy that gave us Nemoidians and Gungans

How about the fact that we barely saw Mandalore after that season, and less so its surface full of alien Aryans?

His universe, legally, but he wasn’t the only person who made it, he had a whole team, people who won oscars for their contributions- like his ex-wife, Ralph McQuarrie, Kasdan, Kurtz, etc. Lucas was lucky as hell he had the people he did in the beginning, the Prequels are proof enough of that.

The New Mandalorian reign was short BECAUSE of the fan outrage and it was totally justified. Lucas basically threw out years of other writers’ work to create Space Aryans and call them Mandalorians. The fact that they were a planet full of blue eyed blondes felt like it was deliberate response to the Maori-inspired

Is there an option for downloading just the first game remastered? Like no offense to anyone who like ME 2 or even 3 but the first game is not only a classic but actually grounded in the “Element zero” world it creates and the story makes sense. I loved playing ME 2 as a kid but that tonal shift and story just does

The problem is Bioware has had that same character in every game since ME 2. There’s always going to be a Jack or Cassandra or Cora who one might assume is a possible romance for the FemPC but they’re only interested in the opposite sex and they’re quite vocal about it in dialogue, its like one of the writers has a

I actually make these things in Buca, and it sucks. We also make Tyga Bites so when I’m supposed to be making pizzas, I’m usually baking little nuggets and when I’m on the line I’m making more burgers than I do anything else. 

I thought we all decided to put a halt on the copaganda for the time being