Agent Scully: Feminist She-Devil

I don’t really get the “creepy”take on it you said it’s 7 years, not 15 or 20. It’s definitely weird, but it does make sense from what we know of his character.

He is hurt, and lonely, and consumed with guilt about his part in the destruction of the marriage. And he is clearly not handling it well. These are not excuses for bad behavior, but this is the story the show is telling. Just because our protagonist is acting badly doesn’t make it bad story telling if they go

I LOVE crossbody bags. They leave your hands free and they leave you less likely to get pickpocketed.

Dafuq is he talking about? I the only one who liked Riker better without the beard?

THANK YOU.  Damn, can we at least get some critical thinking up in here, Splinter?

^^^ THIS. This report seems pretty damaging politically, there’s no real benefit to starting impeachment proceedings when the Senate would never convict and you can use the time/energy you would’ve used on that to get him out of office in 2020 anyway.

If I didn’t have work to do today I’d be reading the whole thing right now.

Exactly. If she was so concerned about her daughters, she should have taken a plea deal.

That’s just seems, to me, that learning law is enough like “drinking from a fire hose” when you ARE in law school. Trying to learn it “on your own” without the structure/organization provided by a formal education seems totally overwhelming.

Apparently in California if you “apprentice” with a lawyer for a certain period of time, you can take the bar even if you haven’t been to law school. That seems...way less ideal for learning a massive subject like the law than if you were to get a formal education, but hey wtf do me and my student loans know, right?

Exactly. Hell, I’m IN law school (though not going for a JD), and I can barely get law firms to acknowledge my job applications.

I can appreciate that she’s putting in the work, but for her to say her wealth and privilege has nothing to do with her being able to become a lawyer is disingenuous and frankly insulting to those of us studying law who don’t have even a fraction of her resources.

Holy shit, calm down.

I hate this woman and her stupid restaurant idea. Chinese food is already healthier (i.e. makes more use of veggies) than a lot of American food to begin with.

I suppose it’s not out of character for most introverts not to understand that, because they don’t think about anyone but themselves as a built in character trait of being introverted. They see the rest of the world as bothersome NPC’s in their personal game of life.

That reminds me that I still haven’t finished reading Bad Blood yet. Thank God the end of the semester is coming up and I’ll have time to actually read for fun.

I don’t blame them one bit. The UK tabloids have been absolute dicks to Meghan and she probably wants to keep her nutty family away from the whole situation as long as possible.

Oh my GOD, I hadn’t seen the Cruz Beard.  It makes him look even creepier.