Agent Scully: Feminist She-Devil

Well I read that in Jefferson Mays’ voice and, coming from him, it actually sounds not-awful.

Public transportation in Chicago. I’ve seen some shit, let me tell you.

Look, I’m not saying he’s a bad guy, but anything Evangelical automatically gets side-eye from me. He’s crossed the line from being open about his faith to being actively weird and too vocal about it.

All right, between this and his bullshit “revenge quest” he’s officially cancelled.

.....can anyone explain why in the hell they didn’t just get someone Latino/a to write the script?

For me it has to be Jurassic Park and Raiders of the Lost Ark. I can recite all the dialogue from both pretty much from memory.

The first 5 seasons of SPN are worth it - after that, it’s hit or miss.  Unless you like looking at handsome men while barely paying attention to the plot, which is where I’m at with the show at this point.

I think at this point even us “obsessed female fans” are like “okay guys, that’s enough.”

This is one of the great losers of all time.

I went to the buffet at the Bellagio recently and it was....not worth the money. I went because my travel companions swore it was really good, and all I found was a lot of sad-looking seafood I didn’t want to eat. And after about an hour of watching said travel companions pick apart crab legs I kind of wanted to barf.

It’s -7 (feels like -21) here.

Yeesh, that bag is indeed fugly. I will stick with my Rebecca Minkoff, thank you very much. (Which is also basic AF, I admit, but at least her bags don’t generally have such a hideous color combination as that Fendi monstrosity.)

I think you may need to have your vision checked.  He’s gorgeous.

Are you joking? Businesses operate to make a profit. A business’ only loyalty is to its shareholders. Government should serve the people and does not operate to generate profit (or at least it shouldn’t.) Making decisions to run a business and making decisions to run an entire country are not even on the same scale.

Running a business, successful or no, does not fucking qualify someone to run the government.

NO. No more fucking businessmen in politics. I would hope we as a country learned our lesson.

1. What is this crusty old fool talking about.

Nancy Pelosi taking legal possession of his balls,

I just....I can’t even believe this is real life right now. You don’t just ignore a damn subpoena, genius.

Or you can be like my co-workers and waltz in at 3 PM, or just not show up at all some days, and face zero consequences and even get a promotion/raise sometimes!