Agent Scully: Feminist She-Devil

That is ADORABLE. You all sound like the best coworkers ever.  What a beautiful gesture!

Her response was pure poetry.

Sorry, I had to. I’m really excited for this.

I mean, is he volunteering to blast himself into space by 2020?  Because I’d be totally on board with that.

I don’t want to be that person, but just looking at this kid makes me angry.

I <3 Cuomo. You can literally see him thinking “what the actual fuck is this guy on about?”

Yeah, does not compute.  I’m 5'5" and like 190 and I wear a size 12. Where are they getting these numbers from??

Good faith? Please. That “offer” was nothing more than a fart in the wind.

I mean, if it helps, your immune system is probably now like “come at me bro!”

Except the “deal” he proposed is bullshit. He’s a liar, we all know this. Who’s to say he wouldn’t agree to this to reopen the government, and then change his mind 30 minutes later when he goes home to watch Faux News and blow up the whole thing like last time? He simply can’t be trusted.

“That there is no way out unless either [President Donald Trump] or we relent entirely.”

The rancher also sounded the alarm about migrants apparently arriving in her backyard from all over the world, including “Czechoslovakians.”

For me personally, I would rather see him do good things for people rather than just talk about his faith all the time. I was raised Catholic, and we were always taught that faith is between you and God and that’s it, so anyone who talks about it constantly and/or tries to preach to people doesn’t sit right with me.

Crisp Rat and this girl sound like my weirdo classmate from grade school who invited me to Jesus Camp and then tried to “convert” me because I was a godless Catholic heathen, apparently.

My reaction to everything in this Dirt Bag:

It’s amazing that we can even hear Graham talk when his mouth is so firmly attached to Trump’s ass.

THIS.  I wish I could star this multiple times.

Seriously, her argument is absurd.  The idea that white women face zero societal scrutiny/pressure RE: body hair simply because they’re white is patently false.

Actually I’m Catholic so way to be an asshole and make assumptions about me. I don’t force my faith on other people so I get annoyed when other people do.