Ein On Shrooms

we know it how it all ends: With thunderous applause, but who knew it all started... With thunderous telegrams?

With Clemmons’ end I was like “Does Netflix MCU have it out for black almost retired supporting characters that work in positions that make the characters come to them to try and expose the villains?”

K/D ration is the worst thing about gaming.

If you’re pissing people off with your journalism, then you’re doing your job. Ruffling feathers, even if you’re entertainment reporters, is par for the course. Don’t stop doing it just because a couple publishers are a wee bit on the childish side of things.

He seems to be holding it down fairly well.

Somebody tell Greg Howard, it’s okay, we all take L’s sometimes.

so about that article from earlier today....

Man, Holm fought the perfect fight against Rousey. I thought the fight would be closer than a lot of the analysts put it, but it was still a brilliant performance by the way she controlled the distance and managed the clinch.

Yeah its like a shark swimming alone in the ocean. Cool at first, then kinda boring.

Rousey is without question the most overrated fighter in the history of the world. The UFC got into womens fighting a few years after they should have. They strapped her up put her in make up and have rolled out the job squad ever since. While having her be the face of the league. She is the epitomy of a TV champion

Honestly, I highly, highly doubt that’s going to be an issue for anyone who buys these. They will know exactly what they’re getting into

And then everyone will realize how poorly these games have aged.

I’m as big a fan of this franchise as they come, but let’s be real people- completing your Pokédex in Red/Blue was a CHORE, since you couldn’t breed your starter you had to either trade with your friends as you kept up a similar pace, or start one

lol, I love this. All those brooms and shit people collected in Skyrim were useless, yet people still for some reason grabbed them.

Who does he feud with? He just finished feuding with Wyatt. There are very few strong heels. So if he wins and stays face, then Owens is elevated, which leads to a very fresh Reigns vs Owens title program. Or do they flip Ambrose? Or bring back Jericho to build on that heel moment from the MSG show? Or push Big E as a

How is this not easy to predict? Reigns will win this Tournament because Vince loves him. Deserving or not but that is sadly the future of the WWE for a while...

Never understood why this movie got the hate and poor reviews that it did. I loved it and all the wink, wink, nod, nod comic book superhero references. The way Bruce Willis’s rain slicker made him look like he was wearing a cape? Brilliant. Little things that that.

Probably a curling game published by EA Sports. That would explain the arms

are you saying people SHOULD be able to hack and break the game and not play it the way it was intended to be played?

well if people are allowed to battle others, obviously the other person having hacked pokemon is an issue. also lets say i actually went to one of these legendary locations, i just did all that work and the other person cheated to get it. it just devalued my efforts.