Ein On Shrooms

I’m of the opinion that Colors was actually better than Generations. Only slightly though, they’re both a lot of fun.

wait, hasn’t the world already decided that Chris Brown is a piece of shit?

The fall of Dreamcast was the death of SEGA. At least of it’s soul. AM2, Smilebit, Team Andromeda.. All of those teams went away along with it’s people and SEGA has existed in name only ever since. Like a zombie ghost.

The internet fired the first shot, by making us so wary of online ads (throughs pop ups, autoplays, sounds, epilepsy inducing light effects, etc.) that no one even wants to give the new round of ads a chance.

Man, I have get almost the same feeling of revulsion when I look at Pewdiepie as I do with Juggalo Joker. I’m happiest not seeing him.

Abandon thread! Abandon thread! Nothing good will come of this...

Go on know you want to...

If people want to call it a sport, that can’t be upset when it is reported in as a sport. That means recaps that include the outcome.

This is like when my dad DVRs a football game and then expects no one else to know anything about it by the time we get home. Man will flip his shit on you if you so much as mention that a running back touched the ball. Infuriates me. Watch it live or watch the highlights and don’t bitch when I get excited that a

“Ever wonder what the world would be like if the British Empire had been built upon a working class of reanimated corpses”?

I enjoyed the first season. The second was a little rough, but the third made the whole series worth it. I'd recommend catching it on a steaming service when it's available

I'm ok with this. I mean, I like the show but the last season wrapped up pretty well.

There’s an easy way everyone can wi in this: bring back cheat codes. Level skip/unlock everything. Boom. problem solved. I miss cheats.

My life has been bad decisions

So, he should go Will Smith on his son and shove his non-exitent talent down people’s throats?

“It’s good that he made one movie. With that, he should stop [making movies].”

Why didn’t his mustache become all super long and crazy and flowing?

C’mon developers! Some people just want kids but not be parents, don’t you get it? Just make a Kanye version that actually costs money to download and will never bother you to buy anything else. Give the man a break!

Ironic because his wife’s game says it has in app purchases on the Play store.

How could these companies be so Heartless? I ain’t saying these companies are gold diggers, but they ain’t messing with no financially challenged consumers.