Ein On Shrooms

Wondering if we’re playing the same game. This has been my favorite final fantasy game since final fantasy 10. I know that’s not saying much and I even enjoyed a bit of last years “Not your daddy’s final fantasy” XVI. But everything in this game hits the right notes for me. And this is coming from somebody who beat

While it is unfair this is kind of what happens when you trade your dignity for money...

I hate game of thrones. And then they're complaining that not enough people have pre-ordered it when there's other things like that already out there.....smdh

Dude, it's just video games. LoL 

The day that they stop making physical games is the day that I stopped buying games. Especially 70 dollar games.

No you're not, lol

Right? Snooty Mc Snooty there.

I really liked this show. I had to come in and say that since there’s such a hate fest for it here.

But of course!

Funny since my comments are always awaiting moderation....

It’s wasn’t even popular in Japan, so as it seems it’s the show of the season to just foreigners.

People still go out on such a bullshit holiday?

He looks like Hugh Laurie on House cosplaying as Batman.

Really? Watching it right now....waiting for the funny.

Beards are stupid.

The lego games have gotten very repetitive throughout the years....

Trogdor the Burninator.

Dragon Quest 8 HD, Xenoblade Chronicles X2-5, Final Fantasy 8 HD remake. Dark Cloud-like game where you can make bigger better towns.

It doesn’t take a fucking genius.

How is that a hoverboard? Is that what they’re calling Segways without the handlebar? Not doing much hovering.