Ein On Shrooms

I’ve produced both pixel and hand drawn art. I think pixel art is slightly easier to pull off if you’re doing it at low resolution, as most retro-styled games do, but it still requires substantial artistic skill and there are challenges inherent to the medium that are different from those found in other forms of art.

the director—who goes by the handle Mhyre

It’s PAID, and uhhhh pixel art is hand drawn, ya dingus.

Pixel art IS hand drawn, and takes a lot more work and skill than Fran Bow’s shitty art style, you moron. Keep on talking about things you know nothing about, though.

Right? Nothing draws publisher interest like public failure!

Darth Vader: Now I shall punish you for your... your...

I find your balls on face disturbung.

All they said was one game has $3k worth of DLC when it is on sale. Everything they said was true, the fact that most people only want one or two of the DLC is immaterial to the post. Your comment is trying harder to bait than the post is.

Whatever happened to voting? I thought that was going to be a standard.

Except that overstates things. Many creators on Kickstarter represent that people making pledges will receive the product(s) described. As such, there is, at minimum, a potential argument that the creator is bound under a theory of promissory estoppel, and in the most egregious cases there is a potential argument for

Are we SURE anything on Kickstarter has ever actually been finished? Ever?

Woo! Woo! Let’s join our dudebros in chanting.

Specially designed PS4 that blocks access to all oppressive games from the PS Store, and any voice chat received from rude players is automatically translated to words of encouragement. Perfect holiday gift for that special Gamergater!

I felt like going political today for some reason:

This is my first shop for here, so i know its terrible but still....

I tried to think what’s ugly in this world? What could make the PS4 the personification of ugly? I found it!

CreepyStation. Complete with back hair, butt cracks and creeper camera

It could be worse...

I have only cared about the Pokemon in the first 2-3 seasons of the show. Afterwards they were crap to me and I stopped watching. Once you make a garbage bag pokemon and an ice cream cone pokemon that's my cue to gtfo.