Ein On Shrooms

Ok, so the dude fucked a girl for revenge? What the fuck? Then he stole because he somehow felt that the world owed him? Kid Dynamite...more like Kid Dickhead.

He bit some lady in the ass, I remember that shit. It was a huge deal. Apparently left teeth marks.

Unlike the party of circle jerkers commenting, I thought it was really funny. Then again, I don’t need, fuck, cock, pussy, balls, orgasm, bitch to be in comedy in order to find it funny.

I want the 4 seconds of my life back from reading your opinion.

If they want it to release this year they better hurry the heck up.

I own a PS Vita, a 3DS XL, a PS3 and a WiiU.....out of those four, why did it have to be on the 3ds.....It’s the weakest graphically. I love it for Animal Crossing and Pokemon, but seeing as people had to buy a “New” 3ds for Xenoblade.....and it looked like crap I am disappointed. I would have loved this on the Vita

Fakku? With you? Yes please!

And mean Nuts?

This is full of WIN!


La casa de Goyo in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico.

My only problem with GMOs are companies like fucking Monsanto copyrighting Genetically modified seeds and other companies making it either illegal or impossible to grow your own stuff with seeds (or seedless) items. I doubt a hipster chain like Shitpotle is trying to feed the world either.

I like hentai....this.....this is fucking gross...damn.

Take notice Gearbox and your bulls*t BLTPS DLC that was already in the dics.

Why can’t you just have the option to use the wiimote on the wiiu version?

Hey you guys!!!

There’s only one thing to say about this:

Can’t we get beyond thunderdome?

Teen Smoking....baaaad.

Hueco Mundo!