Ein On Shrooms

LOL, I can tell you were waiting for weeks to have a chance to post this. Did you get an orgasm as you wrote it, gamergater?

Oh, so the pockets poking through look just as stupid in drawing form as they do in real life? Interesting.

Did black people invent poetry? Because if they didn’t then the whole rap argument is invalid. Why is it always a race thing in this damn country. Same thing with Black country singers. If they’re good, who cares. One of my favorite Salsa bands was the Japanese Orquesta de la luz, and I’m Puerto Rican.

Aesop Rock! white Rapper, talented, but the wrong skin color to please the author and her racist ass article.

What you call a downgrade I call just you sitting in front of your computer bored waiting for replies just so you can answer negatively. Happy life that must be.

Kotaku has become one giant circle jerk for WiiU hatred. Shitpile this, acceptable that. If it’s not a dark gritty Dark Souls clone people hate it. I prefer my games to be fun, and will have to wait and see if this one is before judging.

So what I get from this article is that Jason hates Xenoblade. Why would they take someone who hates JRPGs to make an article about Jrpgs?


Graphically 90% of these games could run on PS3, so the fact that they made a new console for things like Binding of Isaac, Child of Light, resogun, plus a bunch of PS3 remakes from games that came out a year ago, seems really really stupid. I’ll stay in last gen until something worthwile comes out.

The Movie Franchise that inspired Need For Speed Underground....probably.

I thought it was about David Hayter and how they sold out to Queefer Sutherland.

Well I liked this movie.

You forgot to add #gamergate to your post.

Male Japanese teens apparently think the same ways Americans did in the 1800's when it came to photos. DON'T SMILE AND LOOK BORED. Makes people look lobotomized though.

It's BS, the manga is excellent in my opinion. You should check it out and form your own opinion instead of focusing on the opinions of others.

School Rumble is waaay better as an anime show.

Make someone else's picture your profile picture.

It's all in the subtle details. Great Jaeoerb!


Yesterday, a speedrunner known as Nero raced against other speedrunner, Puncayshun. The goal was to see who could get to 120 stars first—that is, to try to beat each other. And despite saving and quitting during his run twice—which added to his overall run time—Nero not only managed to beat Puncayshun, he also got a