
Cyclops and Jean Grey are the only ones in that group that don’t have a current, modern counterpart.

IF he had a problem with being referred to as a posse simply b/c he feels he has made accomplishments independent of James, cool. I think the race aspect was a reach

While I agree with you to an extent let’s not act like Obama or any other president isn’t blamed when the numbers go the other way.


Hey Ted (waves hand)....glad you could make it here to engage us fans

Way of the (kinja) world

I really thought she was being quippy and knew that too....judging by the comments from others it does appear to have gone over how she imagined (I think)

5....4....3....2....1....................................................................................................BOOM goes the comments

NOTHING beats Batman merch....Arctic Batman, Inferno Batman, Deep Sea Batman, Shock Batman, Armored Electric Sonic Kryptonite laced Nuclear Strike Batman with night vision. You get the idea

And of course the black guy dies first...........

I thought this a pretty obvious observation but many don’t seem to make the connection

Very very trash....original Reese’s (chilled) is the way to go

I won’t call you racist....judgmental maybe....but I can’t/won’t say you’re racist (although you could be)

I didn’t get into comics until the 90s through my brother (RIP), so per most people, I missed out on the Golden Age. While I (and I think most here) appreciate comic book history, it is 2016 and they have to try to appeal to a larger audience. Outside of origin stories, the MCU movies deal with a lot of current world

Not to minimize a missile in Harlem BUT at the time only the cops knew it was a missile. AND the Avengers can’t get involved in EVERY incident of violence just b/c of the shear size of the world and their limited (even more now) numbers. Now Spiderman, might get involved. He could also be hanging with Stark while all

Can this be a Lando movie instead???

Take her to Maury for the test

I haven’t seen episodes 2 and 3 yet BUT I’m going to ranDUMBly guess anyway. Ed Harris is this Dr. Ford who you speak of who is somehow stuck in Westworld and is trying to locate an exit. Hence the scalp mapping. I have NO basis for this theory, just came up with it out the blue

Nah.....these bitches are indeed bitches

Saw the trailer last night....couldn’t tell if it was a parody or not BUT I was fascinated nonetheless, I all the way here for this movie