
Was thinking of getting a new phone, currently have a 5x....LOVE the look of the Note 7 but I prefer not to have phones explode in my pocket....then considered going to iPhone 7 since I’ve never been a part of the Apple ecosystem. Decided to wait until Google announced their next phone before making a

I understand the hate for the “clickbaity” headline but I was watching the stream and this is actually how Google announced it.

Movie synopsis: Afflack battles Snyder and WB executives for control over the character and DCEU as a whole where we discover that Batman from BvS was murderous robot created by Snyder.

I’m sorry....what??? They spun off M.A.S.K. from GI Joe????

On Good Times when Florida Evans got the call that James died

They could be the no limit records of the tv/streaming world

Jane Foster will eventually die and become Mjolnir then Thor Odinson will be worthy again, reclaim Mjolnir and he and Jane will be “together”.

These movies could have been saved (with some of the same thematic plots) if common sense was common.