
Yeeeeeaaaaaaah I just don’t wanna see this....hard pass

Chris Tucker was in Friday....he will ALWAYS have a place in my heart for Friday. I went on my first real date for to see that (and he was good in Dead Presidents also).

Word on the streets (the internet) Harden wants to do more slashing and cutting off ball similar to his OKC days....why? I don’t know but CP3 certainly allows him to do that. I still don’t see the fit though

Fuck this.....I’m just gonna go back and watch the 90's cartoon

By the end of The Mummy Tom Cruise is gonna end up being....

I was hoping/wishing/praying Mantis was going to touch Yondu and/or Quill and release some unrealized power to bring people back to life...but then they incinerated him and I got beyond sad. No tears though. Wife cried....still holding out hope for an infinity stone based reprieve but I know that’s selfish and would

My sons are so excited for this movie and I’m so dreading its release. I really have to find someone else (grandfather) to take them to this mess

Thanks....much appreciated

I’m reading the comments and apparently this is movie happens AFTER the book. As someone who has not read the book can someone give me a kinja cliff notes synopsis. I will read the book one day but unfortunately it’s not high on the list right now.

Gotdamn shame that a national treasure like Wesley Snipes has been reduced this crap like this....gonna watch Blade this evening

ESPN pays $80 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR for the Rose Bowl! One Game! THAT has more to do with layoffs than any “liberal agenda” but I understand....trolls gonna troll

As the father of a former watcher of Bubble’s awesome!! He (6 year old) still will sneak watch it occasionally.

I’m interested....I’ll check for it if we’re not killed by Trump/N. Korea or ISIS by 2018

My son (8 yrs old) wants to see this movie sooooooo bad but I’m to the point where I might say NO because I can’t sit through this bullshit.....I just can’t. Then he’s going to have all these questions and I can’t coherently explain this bullshit....I just can’t. I’m gonna have to talk his grandfather into taking

A highly rated Mega Man TV series was popular in the USA in the mid-1990s and aired on ABC Family

Finished it on Sunday with the wife....found it “ok” but that last episode WAS. NOT. GOOD. The fights for the series weren’t good but not as bad as the critics make them out to be coupling that with Danny getting worse (acting wise) as the show moved along and I’d put Iron Fist 4th on Marvel/Netflix pecking order.

Iron Spider suit by the end of the movie....Stark takes original suit from....Peter saves the day in homemade suit....Iron Spider as a reward from Stark....BOOM Peter’s an Avenger now

This is heyday WWF level bullshit trolling

I’m four episodes in and it isn’t nearly as bad as it’s made to be. So yeah f’ this article

Is it really that hard to say this is all the same universe but we’ll NEVER see a crossover??? The only thing I’d like resolved between Movies/TV/Netflix is the aspect of Coulson being alive