Author: “Okay, Google — show me what you’ve got on glycerin!”
Author: “Okay, Google — show me what you’ve got on glycerin!”
I’m not suggesting anyone commit property damage, but I’d love to see someone call out the errors and “grade” the message on that truck.
Says it all, really. I am afraid of poor spelling, this is true.
Indeed, Germany made it illegal to be a Nazi. And I don’t hear about too many Germans bitching and complaining about it. Unless they’re Nazis, I suppose.
“We are fighting for a colorblind America,” Oliver told the committee.
His last name is Bolus? This whole thing is hard to swallow. Get it? Oh never mind.
Reading about this complete fuckwad’s complete failure was some much needed humor and catharsis.
I’m pretty sure you don’t need a gps to get from Scranton to DC. It’s like three turns.
“Bolus was reportedly lost on his way to D.C. and ready to go home.”
Imagine Germany making it illegal to teach about the Holocaust.
If I ever meet up with one in person, I’ll tell them if they really want to fight for freedom, the people in Ukraine could really use some help.
Funny how neither of those things will actually help you cope with your (apparently many) fears.
Wait. You’re saying that a certain percentage of law enforcement officers might have fascist backstory if we look for it? In Canada? The capitol of restraint and passive aggressive politeness?
As a veterinarian I have to say you are going to get pets killed with this blanket statement. This is akin to saying go ahead and treat COVID 19 with Ivermectin. There is nothing inherently wrong with dry food. Cats with chronic renal failure may benefit from a wet diet just to get more water in the body. Can a BARF…
This well-crafted piece of sponcon is a bit disingenuous. As long as you are feeding your cat a nutritionally balanced diet, your cat will be relatively healthy. Is wet food better than dry? Yes, but kibble will not kill Fluffy. Can they have food allergies, and can commercially produced diets be nutrient-poor? Yes,…
Republicans just hate women is all. They don’t care about the babies or the women.
...all the blowhards down there, yes, we know.
Texas hey? Wasn’t the GOP against Biden budget on infrastructure?
these officers threw public trust out the window
If only there was some sort of car tracking technology, maybe a Global Positioning System and some type of Cellular phone network which could be combined to give real-time critical information and historical use information.