
I wonder how many of these wrong-headed, violent “protests” are going to be remembered in the annals of history. We like to pretend stuff like the 1918 flu pandemic were events where everyone was doing their part for the greater good and thanks to them we got through it; but we sweep under the rug the scummy people

The cowards are using children as human shields, and you’re defending them. Fuck you.

That’s becasue you haven’t. Seen a peaceful protest, that is.

Pat King, an organizer who attempted to flee the city...”

Good. Long overdue. I hope something other than their feelings gets hurt.

Yes, I know that. In my OP I said you have to let the membership expire, but then you lose any grandfathered sharing. That was my point. Bottom line, you can’t use this trick if you need to keep grandfathered sharing accounts active (which I do).

In the US, 90% of all drivers think they are “Above Average” and 10% of all drivers know they are absolute shit drivers, but they drive anyway.

*citation needed

I think we should look at human error, not of the drivers, but those that are supposed to enforce the proper behaviors and issue the licenses in the first place, instead of just camping out with the radar on.

Being a politician (and maybe especially a right-wing politician) means never having to justify your claims.

Lol! The politicians “we” voted into office? Obviously, you have no idea how things work, why these politicians are actually in office and how they got there.

4. If you don’t like offshoring IP etc. then vote and contact your lawmakers.”

Need more stars. The tax code in the US is designed for one thing. Protecting the big fish.

Dems had all three branches under Obama and did fuck all about stuff like this.”

Just another Weasel who studied theart of not paying taxes’ under the guidance of the twice impeached former Weasel in Chief...But yeah, both sides are guilty of fostering and allowing a bullshit tax code that seems to serve the undeserving types the most. Plenty of blame here on both sides. Besides Elon needs all

Heres my take on this. She IS a child. Yes. But we need to stop acting like she cannot be held accountable BECAUSE she is a child. (and you may not have expressed this on purpose, but its the on going sentiment online)