
And, it’s all done in the guise of “safety”. What a crock.


LI has even captured my attention... normally I complain to my wife about her watching BIP and even the Bachelor/ette. LI is nice because the people aren’t morons like in most similar American shows. Sure they get in little fights here and there, but overall they’re not out to “get” each other or screw each other over

Agreed - stop with the integrated garbage everyone has. Put in a standard DIN mount and then I can replace their garbage with whatever I want. I shouldn’t have to replace a car just to get an updated infotainment.

Ahh, ok, so be it. But, from what I read, MST is just a matter of using the NFC in a specific way (ie, generate the magnetic field to mimic a card being swiped). I would think any NFC could do this, but regardless, looks like I’ll have to wait. Thanks for the update!

Wow, I never knew about this MST feature... that’s awesome. It’s crazy because all the ads I saw about Samsung Pay and NONE highlighted this feature. Sure, you had the one that said it “works everywhere” but no explanation of what that really means (“everywhere” is an overused term by ad makers, so I simply don’t

Hardly. My previous car was a Legacy GT which was driven hard - lasted 10 years 160k in my hands. My previous was an MX6 which I bought used in 1996 and drove for 10 years myself (it was a 92, so it was 14 years old) and also driven hard. My wife’s last car was an 05 Mazda3 which we bought used in 2010 and she drove

What ISP doesn’t require a modem? Are you connected to an ethernet jack, or something else? Maybe the modem is integrated? In which case, the wifi is integrated too, I expect.

If you give actual numbers, we may be able to help more. But, my first thought is to make sure you’re aware that wifi doesn’t deliver the speed you think it does - the “54 Mbps” that is claimed as typical max is theoretical. If you have a router that claims “up to 108Mbps” or other such things, then you need to be

Government is socialism. It’s designed to provide services (infrastructure, defense, economy, etc) for EVERYONE, by taking a little bit from the constitutants (and, progressively, more from the rich than the poor).

“I buy an iPhone because those guys sure know how to make money!”

Check the emails! Lock him up! /S (with a capital S)

#1 - stay on the Canadian side. You get to see more of the falls (especially the American falls).

The replies to my post are not getting the intent of my post. My issue is with the article, which doesn’t tell you where to get it, that it’s currently only on limited release, or that you can sideload it from some XDA thread...

Exactly. Until Google releases this for everyone, it's pointless. I'm sure it will happen eventually, but TFA could have mentioned this. Or mentioned how you can side load it.

What’s more, last I checked, this level of speeding is considered a FELONY, and hence can and should be prosecuted as it’s one of the exclusions in the quoted terms.

I partially agree with your wife, as the sterotypical Japanese car (Toyota Camry / Honda Accord) are boring as hell. The Camry is just an awful vehicle to drive (I have one for a company car)... it’s the worst car I’ve ever driven (and I’ve driven a LOT of cars, including many unknown brands in other countries). Is it

Speaking of which, that’s a perfect argument for why insurance should NOT be a for-profit system. If they weren’t making money on the process, the premiums could be lower and (ideally/mathematically, at least) half the people should be getting more than paying.

I think you have that backwards... causation IS correlation. The phrase is that correlation is not always causation.

I think $kaycog missed posting here because it was filed to “COTD” instead of “COMMENT OF THE DAY”...