Lucky for you, the radar cruise never “gave up” on you and stopped braking (like it has done for me).
Lucky for you, the radar cruise never “gave up” on you and stopped braking (like it has done for me).
I’ll agree that Waze routing is excellent. Unfortunately, their search absolutely sucks. In most of my searches, the first result is wrong, often by hundreds if not thousands of miles. Wtf.
It really bugs me that these cars keep getting called Toyotas. Toyota makes crappy, boring, terrible-driving vehicles.
THIS... a thousand times THIS. I’ve been saying this all along, as well. Using an inattentive, inexperienced “driver” (aka, person in the driver’s seat) is a terrible backup for the computer. The “driver” is not paying attention, and cannot be expected to make any reasonable decision in the last seconds of an…
No one seems to recommend Mazda? I mean, we all know “Miata is always the answer” but their other cars (Mazda3 and Mazda6) are excellent as well... and just as reliable as a boring Camry... usually lower priced as well.
More importantly, after killing Brad, he “awesome” insurance gave her a another car so she could completely forget about killing Brad... and potentially kill another “Brad”. Isn’t that great! /s
Indeed, dick! :)
Agreed. And to highlight your point, the numbers say that HALF of them fail before MTBF... hence the term “mean” (assuming, of course, it’s a real MTBF, not some made-up statistic).
Couldn’t agree with you more. My company car is one of these crap mobiles, and the only positive I can say is that it’s better than a Camry, which was my previous company car. Both are the worst vehicles I have ever driven in my life (I’ve driven cars all around the world).
“Now, if you think that bars of soap are not as luxurious and moisturizing, now is the perfect time to splurge on something fancier.”
I’ve experienced and had friends with the same results. BMW doesn’t expect you to come in the door, and wants you to have an appointment. One friend did the same thing as you... bought an Audi.
My fav was a coworker who told me he had a Saturn with a stock 4.2L engine and he wanted to race my Subaru LGT. Well, he was kinda right - his engine took 4.2L of oil, apparently...
Agreed, I dumped AAA a while ago as well, when they left my wife stranded in Boston at 2am, and the tow truck kept coming by and not seeing her vehicle. She had to walk to a pay phone (because her cell was dead and she didn’t have a charger, though I always kept one for her... yeesh).
Two things:
Market Basket - local to MA, primarily. Excellent selection, and better prices than the competition. Plus the fact that the customers and distributors were fiercely loyal to them when the new management tried to take over the company. Thankfully, they lost and the customers/distributors won. In addition, they pay a…
Totally agree. I was just at a takeout place the other day, and after paying it recommended tips of 15, 20, and 25%. For a takeout! I certainly felt the pressure to select the lowest amount, but then I thought about it and clicked the No Tip button. But it did take me a few seconds to get there, as I battled with my…
Or, Apple could design better circuitry INSIDE the device to filter out dirty power. You know, like every other manufacturer does. That way, you don’t need to overdesign the power supply in the first place. I’ve used cheap power supplies for every device I own (I refuse to buy Apple crap) and never had a problem. Even…
Except that the speed limits are illegally posted. The MUTCD states they should be set at the 85th percentile, and only after engineering traffic studies are done. But most states don’t bother... and there’s no way to fix that from our cheap seats as pawns/citizens. What’s more, even if you bring this up in court, the…
As soon as this piece started, I knew Hartford GYN’s painted walkway would be mentioned! Last fall I attended the fundraiser that raised the money to buy all that yellow paint. It was a big party at a brewery, we played “Dirty Bingo” with vibrators for prizes, and had dance parties in between rounds. Gotta keep up the…