
That in mind, could you simply make a new Gmail account and forward such relevant messages there? That way, that’s the only thing they get...?

Most cars can last 20 years if you take reasonable care of it. A Camry is just an overpriced piece of crap relative to the competition, and you’ll hate yourself for driving it (hence the reason the OP wants out). I’ve driven MANY cars in my time, and the three worst we Camrys.

@mind: Again, as the OP said, because people are stupid. I agree with him/her, of course.

@Long-Voyager - my 06 LGT Stage 2 (max 20psi boost on an e-tune) had ZERO head gasket issues for the 160k miles I drove it. And I was not gentle on it (took it to the dragstrip a few times, too... best time was 13.4s with my unskilled driving)...

Corollary: When the oil light turns on, you effectively have NO OIL PRESSURE. Most cars use a 1psi switch for this light, which is just ridiculous if you ask me... some even go so far as to put a “gauge” on the switch, which always goes to the middle... yeesh.

In my experience, lifting the throttle blindly like that is a good way to spin a FWD or AWD vehicle. The reason is that the weight shifts to the front, which gives them more traction (and engine braking)... by which time the rears hit the black ice patch and so the car spins.

Some companies already do. My wife and I have dropped our Android phones (OG Droid, Eris, 2x GS3s, and now 2x DTs) without ever having a cracked screen on any of them. They old ones still work, too (only reason I upgraded is because the DTs cost $1 each... that’s a no-brainer).

This is what I typically expect of the police - blocking the way for no good reason. The CHP push above certainly seems to be an exception... but I’m happy to see there are a few thinking people left out there.

I don’t believe that should be necessary. As long as there is a CB, it should trip off. Granted, maybe not all strips have breakers, which seems odd to me... all of mine have them (even the cheapos, so maybe I just got lucky).

Don’t power strips have circuit breakers on them? All of mine do... so that should trip if “everything” is drawing too much power, shouldn’t it?

I do the same thing. I check the news via a quick Google News page and I don’t click into any articles. I get enough info from the articles, and that’s plenty. Then, just avoid it. You can’t eliminate it completely, but it works well enough... and I’m happier for it. Trying to deal with the lunacy of things these days

Thanks for the pics - I didn’t see a stop sign in the intersection at all. I guess in Canada they can post them way up high (not allowed in the US).

My question is, did they fix the horrible address search system? Almost every time I enter an address, it comes up with a result NOWHERE NEAR the correct location. Google gets it right, but Waze still can’t get the correct address location. Just the other day, I was trying to get to a nearby location but instead Waze

Oh, so many stars for you!

“I don’t recall”... that’s a great one. What I don’t understand is, ok, so if you don’t remember, fine... you can’t be held accountable by civil or federal action. Fine. However, why the FUCK do you get to keep your job?! If you can’t recall, you can’t do your damn job, you should be fired on the spot. If I can’t

Not a new development - this is actually mentioned in the video.

Indeed... it’s a FEATURE

But, it’s PRETTY... isn’t that all that matters?! /s

The real problem lies in SAE levels 3 and 4 - expecting the human to intervene when the computer doesn’t know what to do is a recipe for disaster. First of all, in such a situation, the human has not been paying attention, so asking them to intervene at the last second or two is virtually worthless. The only thing

For you, the confusing part is apparently the beginning of the sentence, which includes the term “well regulated”.