
I would LOVE to get a brightly colored car, but that just means I’ll get more speeding tickets. Sure, I drive fast... but so does everyone in New England. However, back when I had a bright red car, I would get speeding tickets when I wasn’t even speeding... honestly. I even got a ticket for 70 in a 65 in I-90. I had 6

Except for the iCloud charges...

Companies... most of them do this, not just one. It’s VERY common, so consider yourself lucky.

What about those of us “infrequent travelers” who are screwed by our company’s policies to be required to take the cheapest flight? My previous companies forced this issue, for ALL flights (even my international ones). Sure, I could pay for my own upgrade, in theory, but now I get paid less (effectively) for the

Won’t likely happen - 87W is a hell of a lot of power to convert without lots of heat... you can’t put that into a wall outlet without melting stuff. It may happen if the computer requires less power (or charges more slowly) so don’t hold your breath.

Won’t likely happen - 87W is a hell of a lot of power to convert without lots of heat... you can’t put that into a

Don’t forget, although it’s not the same solution, you can sync-over your “obscure” items to your device. It’s not streaming, but it’s there... so if you don’t have “too much” missing, it’s one way to get there.

Exactly... blue is what causes “haze” in normal human vision. Humans should want to AVOID blue, because it makes things harder to see. Remember “blu-blocker” glasses? They block blue for this very reason.

Exactly... blue is what causes “haze” in normal human vision. Humans should want to AVOID blue, because it makes

And it’s not a Dodge/Chrysler product, either.

“We, three kings, be stealing the gold.”

Agreed 100x over. It’s sad that we all have to think like lawyers on everything these days... verbal statements are ignored or dishonest, and there is no way for a consumer to get a fair shake in these situations.

Ethylne glycol isn’t the only coolant additive used these days (there are propylene and organic-acid versions of antifreeze, to name a few).

I don’t disagree... driving a large vehicle is a different animal. I have found the wider-adjusted mirrors still worked much better than those that show my vehicle (eg when driving a 31' RV).

You can still lean to the left/right to see the sides when you’re parking or something (which is what I suspect you’re referring to). Besides, the article is more about visibility during normal driving.

Proof that Democrats just need to get off their asses and work together to make these wins happen. I’m not saying that the reasonable GOP members didn’t help here, but if you can’t get your own shit together, you can’t expect others to follow.

The only reason they “like” seeing the side of their vehicle is because that’s what they’re told to do (by poorly written driver manuals or instructors), and they get used to it. If you learn how to do it the right way, it’s not any less “likeable” as you simply get used to it and then end up preferring it. I didn’t

The problem is, most driver manuals STILL tell you this wrong-way to adjust the mirrors. In some cases (like my new state of CT) it’s even worse because they tell you “A good adjustment for the side mirrors is to set them so that when you lean forward slightly, you can see the side of your vehicle .” The problem is,

Exactly. NYT screwed up, and apologized. Where are the stacks of aplogies Mr Dumbass owes the people?

So true. This is the same problem with most software, in general. It’s written for/by people who are not involved in the actual usage of the software. We’re currently dealing with this on our CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software... it’s written for the managers to get pretty reports... or for IT to easily

Enune is awful. It has an option where it reads texts from my phone... great. But, my phone already does this for me, so I disabled it... problem is, now Entune thinks my phone doesn’t support SMS at all, so I can’t SEND a message from the steering wheel control anymore. When I asked Toyota about it, they said this is

No argument on the Civic. Again, it’s just to illustrate the point that what people call “reliable” isn’t always true. Fact is, most cars are pretty reliable these days... the thing that breaks is all the other crap on the vehicle, not the powertrain or driveline. In that sense, most vehicles are equally unreliable