
Sorry, I didn’t mean to “call you out” or anything like that. It just bugs me when people say things are reliable, when they are not. Thank you for accepting my response without feeling attacked... it’s hard to do that on comment boards.

Maybe you should get a PC instead. My 2007-era HP laptop is still running fine with WindowsXP. I don’t use it anymore because it’s slow. Heck, it was even turned into a Hackintosh for a while, until I realized MacOS couldn’t do anything that Windows or Linux couldn’t do for less money.

Agreed, but then the ratio gets even worse :)

The bigger issue is that American’s can’t and/or don’t really want to drive. They want an appliance. If they wanted to drive, or enjoyed driving, they’d get a car... because it outhandles a CUV all the time. People just don’t care about driving... they’d rather be talking on the phone or texting... or actually be at

My wife and I owned a home and we had an 80+lb dog. My cars during that time were a Mazda MX6 and a Subaru Legacy GT... both handled all home and dog tasks just fine. You don’t need a CUV.

I know, I’m being a nitpicker, but still:

Constitution? We still have that? Could have fooled me...

So true. Fact is, we all survived our childhoods with small cars (back when there weren’t any SUVs or minivans). It can be done. My parents did it with a Dodge Omni (and then a Mercury Lynx) for both me and my brother. You just need to stop packing all that extra crap your kids don’t need. Too many parents pack

I did this type of upgrade multiple times on Windows XP. The trick there was to simply reboot into “repair mode” and let it do a “repair install”... I kept the same install on that computer for 3 different motherboards without any issues.

Sounds like yet another miserably stupid “feature”. It’s this kind of crap that makes for more trouble than it’s worth... because every car will behave differently due to these nonsense “features”. People are dumb enough as it is, but doing stuff “automatically” for them is not any better, as evidenced here (assuming

But think of how much money the government saves by cutting these services! Isn’t it great? Our deficit is dropping as we speak! /s

Like I said, happened to me twice. First, for having “integrated” turn signals in the tail (bike was from NH, so it was legal there). Then, later, with a different bike, for having non-DOT “cat-eye” signals that were plenty bright, but just not “DOT”. In fact, the shop passed the bike twice before with those same

Totally agree. My biggest issue with inspections is that they get “feature creep” in this manner. But, more importantly, that they are so easy to “get by”. I see all kinds of cars that have blown shocks, crooked wheels, illegally lowered, etc in MA... and they somehow pass inspection. While my car, on the other hand,

No thanks. I’ll keep hating CUE for the empty promises Cadillac delivered on the first version. They said it would “never be out of date”... uh huh. My car wasn’t even out of the B2B before CUE was out of date. They said there would be an app store... still doesn’t exist. They said it would read my text messages...

And people who call themselves “scientists” or engineers but can’t even handle basic logic. Hell, I’ve met degreed engineers who can’t even handle basic logic.

Here you go:

Used Caddy ATS or CTS are cheap these days and flashy-looking for your needs. I got my ATS4 Premium for $28k with 28k miles on it. Skip the 2L turbo in early models, as they had issues... but the V6 is great and reliable.

If you ask me, ALL “sizes” are totally nonsense these days. It used to be just women’s sizes, which is bad enough... but now men’s sizes which are supposed to be measurement based are also drifting around. This isn’t rocket science... a measurement is a measurement... stick to that and stop coming up with nonsense

Agreed, and agreed with others who posted about voting day holiday, etc.

Bring on the flood of complaints, people! This is why we marched on Saturday!