I agree that blind faith in the CDC is probably not a good idea (they certainly have been getting worse... but I also see the same reduction in quality from CR lately. Too many of their “top picks” tend to have issues, overall.
I agree that blind faith in the CDC is probably not a good idea (they certainly have been getting worse... but I also see the same reduction in quality from CR lately. Too many of their “top picks” tend to have issues, overall.
Agreed. My first car (81 Buick) had a vacuum-type trans. That was was perfectly predictable... if you pressed the pedal down far enough, it downshifted. You could even force a shift by pressing and releasing to that point, so you get a downshift, and then continue “cruising” in the lower gear for a few seconds. These…
Sad, isn’t it? I mean, a CVT COULD be good, if programmed properly... but they simply aren’t, because they keep trying to make them “efficient” and “perform” at the same time... which means they do neither.
I had to choose more “sedate” colors simply because I drive fast, and this keeps me from getting caught for the speeding tax. I had a bright red car before, and I loved it, but I would honestly get pulled over more often in that car even when I wasn’t speeding at all. The statistics may say that this is not true, but…
I have always read that prewashing your dishes is a bad idea because it causes more damage to the dishes (due to a resulting too-high concentration of cleaners) and is a waste of water... among other reasons. Assuming that’s still true, I’d suggest just stopping the bad habit of pre-cleaning the dishes.
Vinegar in the rinse aid tank can damage and destroy the rubber seals therein. And it’s not as effective as regular rinse aid. See:
I like the idea of putting up a pattern or something, but blocking the contents with a piece of cardboard seems to negate the purpose of a translucent drawer? Maybe just putting in some lines with tape or something would be better - so you can see past the clear sections to the contents as well.
Clearly they are neither smart nor competent... time to raise the bar :)
Or, a used Jetta SW... I’m not completely clear on the model offerings, but I believe these came in manual with decent power.
The real problem is the music industry and their awful, outdated contracts (see http://fusion.net/story/233399/s…). In the meantime, the industry is making plenty of money off digital sales:
Didn’t you know that the Bible is a choose-your-own-adventure type book? You don’t have to follow ALL of it... just the parts you feel like following.
I would love to have a broader discussion... not sure if you want to have it here or elsewhere, but I’ll continue here for now.
I assume you’re talking primarily in reference to GMO foods. With that in mind, one counter-argument I’ve heard is that our digestive system doesn’t “incorporate” the DNA of what we eat in any way - it’s simply broken down and processed as food, so the DNA doesn’t do anything by-itself. This makes sense to me, since…
Agreed. I’ve usually seen them use the hazards (for 2-3 blinks-worth) instead of tapping the brakes. I know this because I can see the amber side markers blink too.
Well, you were the one to bring in modified cars with your Plymouth. I was talking stock originally, and then gave examples of my own lightly modded LGT. But, looking further, the GT was still faster STOCK than the 3.6R... see here:
True, trans makes a big difference, too, but again the topic of this article isn’t a completely modified vehicle. In that sense, the 3.6R simply can’t compare to a lightly modded 2.5GT of before. In other words, sure, any fully modded vehicle can do better... but that’s not the scope of this discussion.
No argument with anything you’ve said. All I’m saying is that consumers need more transparency for information, and that’s quite hard to get... I’m surprised no one has disrupted this field. Right now, as I’m moving, I’m sensitive to this since I have to find a new doctor in a new area, and I have little to no…
Well, of course throwing a turbo on it will make a big difference... but that’s far from the original topic.
I worked on MRI systems and wanted to highlight one issue among them - the image quality. The problem is, you need a big, powerful magnet to generate the MRI image. The open-air ones typically don’t have the magnetic field strengths (measured in Tesla) to generate clear images. So, while it’s nice to not have to be in…
The difference is that the 3.6 is NA, while the 2.5 was turbocharged. It it trivial to improve exhaust flow and then increase boost (which is what I had done) to get those power levels. You’re not going to get that much of a gain from just intake/exhaust on an NA motor.