
Whatever, grandma. Prohibition ended decades ago.

Write it down if you can and wait for the appropriate time. Keep a notepad on you or plug it into your phone if you feel that a mental note won’t do it.

Wow, your you’re a treat!

The reason this doesn’t make any sense is that my anxiety will have gotten the best of me half an hour before I leave the house.

Quiet is definitely a necessity for a balanced life, but I think there are two types of work and only one is really benefitted from quiet:

There is literally zero harm in telling people to add an event to their calendar. Setting aside the argument that relying on a flood of news to tell you about an election is a poor way to manage your life, there is a non-zero number of people who want to be involved but are either new to the process or not in the

Should we also include those living corpses of children neglected, abused and/or molested each year? You know, the ones that society has essentially abandoned, ignored, and left for dead... just like your “large pile of corpses” that people seem to forget about.

Or better yet, let’s pre-empt a good number of abortions altogether and make birth control accessible instead.

You might want to avoid all medical texts, then: individuals of any age or existence are regularly removed from context, referred to in terms like “patient”, “participant”, “cadaver”, “subject”, and only discussed in regards to factual relevance of the topic with no concerns of their personal potential, dreams, or

I’ve been using the mobile site for almost 2 years now. I just dropped a shortcut on the home screen and never looked back.

Preface: This isn’t meant to be contradictory, just sharing a different point of view.

The thing is, you’re not limited to “awesome selfies”. You can post what many refer to as “meaningful stuff”. When you get down to the basics, it’s simply a platform to share. Share your knowledge, your opinions, etc. You don’t just have to share narcissistic photos of yourself. Feel free to share something

Neutral. It’s not like we think it’s suspicious if you have no social media accounts. We don’t assume you have something to hide. There are lots of valid reasons to not want to be on social media.

That’s really a stretch. Amazon has a few basic rules about what people can sell, but they don’t scrutinise every item. They’re just a platform and they legally don’t share responsibility. You wouldn’t blame the post office for delivery a hurtful letter.

Christ almighty you’re an unnecessarily nasty person.

I’ve worked in a career path that is incredibly conducive to burnout (911/Emergency dispatch), and it’s a very real thing to many people for a variety of reasons.

Prefacing “Not to be a dick...” kind of makes you a dick.

Eric Ravenscraft is a hell of a good D&D character name.

“If you know that someone else is handling the dishes, you’re less motivated to clean as you go and use as few dishes as possible.”

“They also often have a better effect on the environment...”