
Abortion isn’t the answer

For many, sadly, a big hack to your life is killing the baby inside you.

Yup. *You* don’t care about his teammates. You child does, though. TBH, though, what should really happen is that things are more structured, as in “be home by 5pm for dinner” or “dinner is in 45 minutes” so the kid can plan with the parameters given and nobody is caught in the middle of a game.

And because you’re the one person who insists on being “that guy”, your kids will grow up to be inconsiderate individuals who don’t respect other peoples’ time, or other people in general. They’ll be the karens in drive throughs and checkout lines who insist on holding up 30 people behind them because *only* their

Goodness knows that you are a parent would not attempt to understand your child, their hobbies or their interests.

Are you serious? Why would th is be a video only post? Probably because you wouldn't want to actually help people clicking the link. GMG is becoming everything they fought not to be. 

How can we delete video-only posts from our lives?

Can someone watch this and write it down? Videos suck.

I feel this comment is very misleading. I suggest showing how a million dollars is actually 257,742 $5 cups of coffee, spread out over 40 years.

Good! Because that will be less of my hard earned money lining an insurance company executive’s pocket. More money in my pocket is a win. Feel free to keep paying your corporate overloards and licking those boots.

I'm no fan, but I don't see how this is a life hack.

what in the name of jeebus does this have to do with life hacks??

In what way is this any sort of life hack? 

Quite a valuable lifehack contribution. You’re contributing to tarnishing of the once reputable brand of

Isn’t there another of the bazillion garbage gawker brands this could go under? Or maybe it does sit nicely with the “intro to anal play” and “how to get someone to pay for your abortion” life hacks.

This could be the most worthless post I’ve ever read on lifehacker

I’m not a video hater, but dumping a transcript into the article would be helpful for when I can’t watch the video.

OK, I’m now one fear-mongering, click-bait headline away away from ditching Lifehacker. There is just no value in this article and I find it very disingenuous. To paraphrase, “water causes cancer, but don’t worry about it, there’s naturally occuring carcinogens in stuff all around you and you can’t do anything about

“You do use your credit card rewards and airline miles as soon as you earn them, right?”

what kind of store in 2019 doesn’t sell free range eggs too? But whatever, you are so much better than the rest of us.

Wowza, why so angry? They call it their reader’s favorite because we literally voted that way:

Wowza, why so angry? They call it their reader’s favorite because we literally voted that way: