
After being a happy Google Play Music customer for years, I’m probably going to be switching back over to Spotify once GPM actually shuts down. YouTube Music has a garbage interface; it’s impossible to sort your music in any meaningful way, You’re stuck with the order in which YTM decides to present your music to you,

And if the tables are turned—and you’re the one having trouble finding a gift for someone—Rossi recommends keeping it simple. “Money is never the wrong size or color.”

This isn’t even an option half the time, considering how many websites have some asinine requirement for maximum password length.

I wonder how many people that are going to read this article are going to be doing so because that is explicitly the point for them. Most of the time when I hear people talking about intuitive eating, it’s in the context of weight loss.

I predict that this comment section will be the pinnacle of civility and open-mindedness.

So where’s the lifehack?

I’m surprised they can do something like this without getting a Cease-and-Desist letter. This seems like it would be a big IP violation, even with Lucasarts not really around anymore.

I’m looking around to try to figure out what the catch is here. 3-10% cashback for no extra effort, in exchange for what I’m interpreting as “slightly more targeted marketing”, seems like one of those things that’s too good to be true.

I’ve developed the notion that “processed” is just another food-related buzzword that doesn’t actually mean anything. It’s right up there with “organic”.

The internet was just becoming a big thing in the mid 90s. Society would grind to a halt without internet access today, in the 2010s. The two situations are not comparable.

You haven’t personally experienced throttling yet, but you will if/when Net Neutrality gets repealed. This is virtually guaranteed. Companies like Comcast and Verizon have already tested these waters before; this is not a “what-if” scenario. See below links for proof:

This is interesting, because this post coincides with Lifehacker’s addition of auto-playing promoted videos in each and every article. I’ve been a loyal Lifehacker reader for several years now, but this may be a signal that it’s time for me to move on.

Oh look, it’s another one of those “Social anxiety is easy to fix, you just need to stop having it” types

The one thing I’ve learned about “X Company is giving away something for free on Y Day!” situations is that the time you’ll spend waiting in line is almost never worth the relatively small amount of money you’ll save by getting the thing for free.

You’re probably one of those people who complains about Evil Week every year.

Is there any way to do something like this if you’re not a writer or an artist? Because that sounds wonderful as just something to do.

Why wouldn’t you just read the article then? Because the entire thing is centered around explaining exactly that.

Throw those butter wrappers in a pot, add some potatoes and a carrot, baby you got a stew going!

Did Evil Week start already?

Rather than a dish towel, put the person who only partially unloads the dishwasher in with the next load of dishes. This should solve the problem.