
No, you’re clearly mistaken, as everything on the internet is obviously a corporate shill to relieve us of more of our money. Even if both parties are gaining a benefit from it, there’s obviously no such thing as a win-win situation.

And I’m sure every user will be as attractive as the people in the pictures.

As much as I hate to validate anything Tim Ferriss says or does, that’s a pretty good way of looking at things.

I can confirm your fear, unfortunately. After discovering a semi-nearby bakery that makes a huge variety of delicious pastries, it’s hard to resist the urge to go there. My only saving grace is that it’s about 20 minutes out of my usual way, but sometimes I’ll find an excuse to be in that area so I can go.

I’m sure this comments section will be the pinnacle of civility and rational discussion.

I’ve started to make a habit of doing my weekly grocery shopping on Sunday nights. The grocery store is usually very empty, and walking around and picking out my groceries in such a lonely-but-not-really atmosphere is strangely cathartic.

Thank god I’m not the only one.

I’m sorry but high-and-mighty “I don’t need alcohol to have fun” people annoy the fuck out of me.

It’s funny how many anti-anxiety and confidence-boosting tips don’t seem to understand the very nature of anxiety in the first place. When your advice boils down to “just do the thing without thinking about it”, 99% of the people who need that advice aren’t going to know how to follow it.

I guess my years of refusing to download Messenger are finally starting to pay off, a little bit. Go me?

Great input, you’ve made the world a better place by sharing it with us

I’ve been trying to find a way to find a way around Messenger for over a year. Until now, I’ve just dealt with not having messages on my phone, but you’ve finally shown me a way that works! At least until they fix it so this doesn’t work anymore.

The strategy I’ve adopted is to keep a running list of gift ideas I have for people throughout the year. Any time someone makes an off-hand comment like “ooh, I’d like one of those”, or if I just randomly have an idea for a good gift idea for someone while I’m out and about, I’ll write it down on a list in my phone.

One of the best things I’ve heard regarding exercise is to not think of it in terms of motivation. Instead, think of it in terms of discipline. When you’re in one of those situations where you just don’t feel like exercising, motivation can be very hit-or-miss, because motivation is fleeting and easily exhaustible. On

It shames me that the number of people who “can’t use computers” is so high. I know there’s exceptions (mostly for the elderly), but for the majority of the modern world, it should be abundantly clear that computers are here to stay and ubiquitous in our lives. There should be no excuse for not learning how to use

I’ve thought about gift cards a lot in the past couple years, and this is the crux of the argument for me. And it really comes down to what the gift card is for. If two people exchange $50 Visa prepaid cards, then the whole thing is basically a financial transaction (and a net-zero one at that), which pretty much

Uh, what is this heavenly-looking concoction in the header image?

Not sure if this applies, but I realized that this is how I generate motivation when I’m at the gym. I think I’m in decent enough shape all things considered, but when I see all the beautiful people at the gym who are in the shape I want to be in, I subconsciously harbor resentment towards them for being better than

Ducks are wonderful, but geese are not. Geese are the hellspawn of Satan himself.

Probably one of the biggest things I’ve learned in the past few years is how much the concept of a “Disney Romance” is total bullshit. It’s not limited to Disney movies, but they’re some of the most egregious examples, especially considering how prevalent and impactful they were during my generation’s formative years.