
Yay! I love the annual 7 days of people commenting “omg, why would you teach people this, this is horrible and no one should know how to do this”, while completely missing the point of Evil Week in the first place.

I try to avoid self-diagnosing, but I do usually do some research (using multiple sources) on what might be wrong with me, in order to figure out things like “Does this signify a more serious problem?”, or “Will this heal on its own?”, or “Will a doctor even do anything for me besides tell me to rest, then charge me a

These is the reason I’m very liberal (no pun intended) with use of the “Hide all posts from this source” feature of Facebook. I block everything that is even remotely related to politics, social activism, or any of the other crap I go to Facebook explicitly to avoid, even if the material is something I actually agree

Probably the $2 winter hat I bought at Walgreens 8 years ago. The thing has kept my head warm for 8 winters now (in Michigan no less), and hasn’t even begun to fray or fall apart. It’s nothing but a plain, black hat made from wool, but in terms of both value and longevity, it’s outlasted pretty much every other piece

I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s still salty about this. I think I’m one of the few holdouts who still refuses to download Messenger.

Did they recently remove Message functionality from the mobile site? It hasn’t worked for me for a few weeks now, and now just constantly pops open the App Store page for Messenger.

I’ve been reading Lifehacker for years, and I didn’t know this.

I had the same issues when I tried Arctic Zero, though I didn’t go so far as to contact the company. But after doing a bit of research, I found that many people who hated Arctic Zero loved Halo Top, so I went out and bought a pint of that to try. Halo Top was so much better, it’s not even a competition. Halo Top

That’s quite the clickbait title you’ve got there.

I’m pretty sure Gewürztraminer is spelled strangely to begin with.

This seems like as good a place as any to ask about this. From what I’ve heard (I haven’t actually played it yet), many people are saying the exploration aspect of NMS is a very calming, serene experience, which is particularly interesting to me. People’s descriptions make it sound very similar to a certain feeling

Well that was depressing.

I wish it was just that easy to tell myself to stop worrying about things unnecessarily. Unfortunately, once my brain has decided to kick off a good dose of anxiety, my emotions have overridden any logic I can tell myself, and it’s very difficult to combat that even if I’m aware it’s happening.

I’m 26 (27 in two months), and I’m pretty sure I’ve been slowly going through this for the past couple years now. The only problem is, all of the symptoms I was experiencing fell more in line with a midlife crisis instead of a quarter-life crisis, so it made it hard to read about what I was going through. I wasn’t

Ugh, words cannot accurately describe my hatred for this phrase. Of course there’s exceptions, but for 90% of people, work is work because it is, by necessity, unpleasant. That’s why we get paid to do it. While I understand the sentiment of “do what you love”, to me it just comes off as overly idealistic, to the point

I realize that’s unusual, but I genuinely look forward to going to work.

I know the Lifehacker community is huge on slow cookers, so I’ll throw in this recipe for a Slow Cooker Breakfast Risotto. It’s a small amount of prep time the night before, but it makes a very hearty meal the next morning. Plus it stays in the fridge and reheats just as well.

It’s a phenomenon where people who have multiple external sources of proof of their own competence still doubt themselves. It’s called “imposter syndrome” because the sufferer tends to think they don’t know as much as people seem to think and have been getting by on dumb luck, and that people will eventually figure

...the minute you recognize that — you’re on the internet and nothing’s loading, and you start to get riled up — if you just think,Oh, I’m angry because of the S trigger, it just goes away. You realize kicking at your screen is not going to solve this problem.

I can add to your point about figurines/miniatures: