It’s really quite a stark difference now that they don’t have to pay the Hue* tax.
It’s really quite a stark difference now that they don’t have to pay the Hue* tax.
WTF are you on about?
Sadly, that attempt at hyper-modern style was warning to all who came after. Two fianchetto is one too many... Although I’m pretty sure Botvinnik tried it some 30 years later.
He’s clearly down by contact before he tries to score, there.
*Welsh. (Welch is for jelly or not paying up on a bet)
Yeah, because legal fees aren’t a thing. If you’re getting screwed financially what makes you think you have money to pursue legal action (in addition to the consequences at your job, etc). The other factor is that they average this out, so unless you have an entire week of poor tippers they’re covered. Doesn’t mean…
“Tood Bowles” It’s spelled Turd Bowles, man.
(sigh). If you had a real idea or experience in the business you wouldn’t say this. Let me outline a real example for you: A party of 3 comes in and sits at my table, they ring up $150 worth of food and drinks. Let’s say $50 of that is alcohol. They pay the bill and leave no tip. At many (most) restaurants the server…
You were making sense until this: “Considering the fact that the job takes zero skill, zero education beyond reading at maybe a 3rd grade level, and no special physical attributes, they get paid pretty damn well. And those working at more upscale places are making a killing for what the job entails.”
Yeah! You shouldn’t have to take responsibility for things you put in your own mouth!
+1 Freudian ship
You nailed it except for the “busted” part.
Not so much old fashioned as just really super not fun. (You seem like the kind of guy who would be good at High School Administration, discipline in particular)
Sometimes Everything Falls Apart.
I used to work in the business some years ago. While what you say is true, the only point I’d disagree with is that most managers would sell their staff down the river if a customer complains, regardless of the validity of that complaint. The “customer is always right” is driven into their heads to the exclusion of…
Go eat a bag of shit.
Appreciate the correction. I’m more of the Genus Tolkienus as far as my nerd taxonomic class.
These same dipshits came up with “Rolling Coal”. That’ll show the Libtards!
“The tighter you close your grasp, the more planets slip through your fingers, Vader.”
+1 red shift