
Fight Club is a better movie than book.



Live your truth. Tip McDonald’s employees, Subway, Burger King, Your Bank Teller.... I spent 15 years waiting tables. Have at it.

One of the few times I agree fully with you. Counter service shouldn’t “expect” tips at all, really. Most times they just do the transaction part and give you your food... Should we tip cashiers at the grocery store? How about tellers at the Bank? If it’s a coffee shop and you order some complicated bullshit, maybe a

“Proof read”

Chin up, Mike! Happy to hear you are back on the road to wellness, I think everybody here at Kotaku (readers and staff) are pulling for you. It looks like you are grateful for the good things and not bitter about the bad, which is really the best way to live. 

There are likely many people who neither asked for a Trumptatorship nor want what we have received working at the US Playing cards facility. I’d hate for them to get flushed along with ones who asked for this.

While I appreciate the truth of your statement, the result shows the both the cracks in our “democratic” process, and the unfortunate fact that a large number of my countrymen (and women, astonishingly) are either racist, sexist, and fundamentally stupid OR just don’t care if our leadership is all the above.

Yeah, true, but some of these jackasses actually ASKED for this. (These jackasses= my fellow American voters)

It hurts trade, plain and simple. I think the US Playing Card company in McConnell’s district will feel a slow down, as the increased price from the tariffs (passed along to the consumer) should (theoretically) hurt sales. I feel bad for anyone who loses employment over this stupidity, however.

As you should. I’m an American and I apologize for the infant-in-chief we have throwing his tantrums and generally ruining everything. I hope this hits McConnell’s constituency right in the pocket book. 


I’m a 46 year old married man. You don’t need to tell everyone about your sex life, not because we think sex is “icky” or we aren’t sex positive, but because nobody gives a flying fuck about what you and your wife do. We don’t want to know. One day you’ll grow up and realize you should keep your sexual adventures to


This is a spot of true.


Didn’t have the nuggets to admit he was wrong...

The throw glanced off the runner’s helmet. Poor accuracy or bad luck, you decide!