
"gaping plot hole"…. unintentional pun???????

maybe it's trying to become Game of Thrones…?

what was up with the spring flowers in mid-January???

so should we just start calling it Shonday instead of Thursday?

Wasn't the fetus pointing to the idea that the Garveys did lose a family member? A bit trite, but….

Based on your comments it sounded like you were taking flak for your opinions. I meant to convey that I appreciate hearing what you had to say; you've made me think about the show differently. But rereading what I wrote, it does sound patronizing, so I apologize.

If they give us stereotypical minorities when whomever is in jail…. I promise to read every word of your well-deserved venting.

Very Good point. I thought it was fair for them to make her have a plan, but once she has one I don't see how it would be much different than paying for college (especially since she was looking to take classes). But compared to what it'll take to deal with Daphne's situation, it's not that much.

I think you make some interesting points, and I'm glad you see that Bay bears some responsibility in this terrible decision.

Switched at Birth, what are you doing?????!?!?!?!?!

It's not just white. Regina is Puerto Rican (and her mom, obvs). Daphne was raised identifying as Puerto Rican. Ty was also from the barrio (altho I can't remember his heritage). The Vasquez family's ties to their old neighborhood brings in a number of characters and plays into the plot.

I never thought of her as spoiled (Bay and Toby, definitely), so much as she's very judgmental with the limited understanding of a teenager. She blames Regina for Angelo's death because he was upset about the gun; Regina got the gun because she was scared of Nacho's hijinks (which Daphne knew about and thus could've

In a similar kind of thought, Regina has the money from Angelo's life insurance to deal with this.

It would be nice to see Daphne face some actual consequences. I think it would be interesting to see her come through the adversity of serving time and facing the start of her adulthood with a criminal record. So far she's faced adversity for circumstances beyond her control; this time she'd have to justify decisions

It makes more sense when you realize that she's grown up bilingual. When you grow up learning two languages, the way you think and speak is impacted by it. She's interacting more with the hearing world these days, so she's probably more in speaking mode than signing mode.

I agree, and it's great that they can give their kids a measure of freedom to explore, and that the children know their parents love them and have their back. That being said, those kid are in a state of arrested development, assuming the gravy train will keep flowing after graduation. They could use some independence

It's usually not bad when you're younger, because you agree to pay that much per year for 20 years; insurance companies figure you'll live awhile. When you're older or in poorer health, you pay more because they expect to pay out sooner.

I don't think Bay would enroll at USC. I think she'd move to LA and bum around with Emmett until inspiration struck or she lucks into some kind of apprenticeship or something. And I think Emmett would be deciding between USC versus Gallaudet (in DC).

He was in his 40s, in seemingly good health. It would probably run him $500-$1000/year. Why not do it? Unless your point is that he wasn't exactly practical….

no "Deththeme" by Dethklok?