
to be clear, I think the character of Bay is well written, and well acted by Vanessa Marano. she encompasses the artistic freedom of her birth parents, and the go-getter attitude of the parents who raised her; Regina's stubbornness, Kathryn's righteousness, John's rushing to judgment and Angelo's jumping without

agreed. his problem is that he's too nice and didn't have his own sense of self from which to tell her off. if he really loved his frat he could've told her that he's a stronger agent of change if he stays versus quitting. but it sounds like he's working on that (yoga!)…

nah, she's been awful to all her bfs. she always acts like she knows the right thing to do, and she always wrong.

ugh, I'm so over Bay. she convinces tank to dump his friends, then she cheats on him, then she ruins his relationship with his father… then she dumps her problems on him? she's napalm to whatever life she touches.

the whole thing with the embezzlement was confusing. it took me awhile to figure out that Cameron hacked the Cardiff company account to move funds to the computer division.

Not all scholarships are need-based. Some are based on talent, or hard work, or other criteria… She's not taking anything from anybody if she's qualifying for something.

It's worth checking out top schools (or second tier schools) because the scholarships and financial aid packages may be better than at cheaper colleges. We are talking about someone who's both an athlete and an honors student, AND who has a killer story for her college app. She may not be Ivy-bound, but plenty of

I thought the kerfuffle about Daphne's college fund was off. First, why couldn't the parents agree from the get-go that Daphne could apply for scholarships first, and the Kennishes pick up the remainder (or even Daphne pays them back)? They've been negotiating these waters for years; now this comes up as a problem?

I counted 15 s-bombs.A new record.

1. Marco
2. Spinner
3. Good Jay
4. Bad Jay
5. Kevin & Mewes
6. Wheelchair Jimmy
7. JT
8. Sean
9. Sporto Jimmy
375. Craig (just the worst)
376. Toby
377. Rick

Has anybody considered that he said this as a setup for a later story?? His news team is mostly Millenials; you don't think they'll change his mind? He didn't even know he had a blog…perhaps he's going to learn more about the power of New Media and how Millenials have changed the news game.

Has anybody considered that he said this as a setup for a later story?? His news team is mostly Millenials; you don't think they'll change his mind? He didn't even know he had a blog…perhaps he's going to learn more about the power of New Media and how Millenials have changed the news game.