
Have you tried eyelash combs? Quicker than a safety pin. I’m also a big fan of They’re Real Tinted Lash Primer. You can use it to layer on mascara so it won’t raccoon, or if you want a very lightweight mascara you can use it alone.

Will Jared kill someone…Or will Donald?

So at least two?

"And this is where the magic is made…"

Rancho Rosa also had the two Rs circled, like the Double R Diner. Edit: and the street sycamore referring to sycamore trees (the song sung in the Black Lodge) . Edit #2: those two things have already been posted. Derp.

I can totally sympathize with Nina…but I get why everyone else's patience and understanding is wearing thin. This is the point in the competition where everyone is stressed out and having doubts about themselves. Nina's overt expressions of pessimism are a reflection of their own internal state, and that they can't do

Brain fail on the end of Season One (bus yes, wedding no); thanks for catching that. Alba = Jane's abuela.

So if each season ends with a bus ride and a wedding, who's getting married at the end of next season??? Any bets???

But crappy dating is a part of her life she missed in the bunker. It makes sense, although some of them have fallen flat for me.

Madoff and his cronies weren't exactly spring chickens. So it's appropriate to their ages…?

True, Pepper didn't deserve it either. But she didn't say she should have it because she deserved it or needed to prove herself.

What kind of entitlement and/or delusion would lead Alexis to believe her team members would give her the voice over because she needed to redeem herself to the judges? Trinity and Pepper are competing against her, not looking to throw the competition so Alexis can win. I do wish she'd been in the bottom two (it's

Yelled at? Why?

True, but that makes Jane look even worse. It looks like she respects entitled rich guys or petty jealous guys more than dumb guys.

Something about the Jane/ Fabian relationship doesn't seem authentic to Jane's character. She has no respect for him. He's not an intellectual, but then neither is Rafael (who also has a history of doing some pretty crappy things) and she gave Rafael some credit. And Fabian was always kind and tried hard to please.

Aw come on. If Frank Stallone was starting in a new NBC sitcom, that would definitely be Must See TV.

My guess is either they've been boring as heck, or the producers are sacrificing them so they can make the queens more relatable and/or empathetic.

I was going to make a Ray Pruitt remark, but your punishment is worse.

It was either the bushy brows in the early shows, or the pencil thin brows later in the run. And let's not talk about the hair…

Someone calls oneself a 90210 expert and says it's aaaaan-drea instead of ahhhhn-drea, I'm gonna make them wear Donna Martin's spring dance dress for a day. Unacceptable.