Dosadi's failed experiment

I live in San Francisco, so aside from the mirror, I don’t see a lot of Black folks. But in my current friend group, there’s a few Black guys. Ever since I got my software engineering job, one of my buddies has been going on a similar path. He always wants to remind me that I’m part of an especially minority group,

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I saw that Amber Ruffin bit and she was on it!

( I’m still deciding whether they should be called Nigganon or Ice Cubanon)

Yeah, McGrath is one of the worst campaigners I’ve ever seen. She has all the money in the world and is running against the second most hated man in America at a time where the nation was looking at Kentucky for justice for Breonna Taylor and all McGrath could muster up was “I’m a mother and a fighter pilot.” No

“Let”? LOL Cats go where they please whether you “let” them or not. You may think you’ve trained your cats to stay off the counter, but when you leave them alone in the house, all bets are off.

Problem with that is that white supremacy isn’t just limited to conservatives. There are plenty of Dems who perpetuate systemic racism as well. Pete’s apparent apathy with the racism in South Bend PD. Or Klobuchar for example, who helped Chauvin (George Floyd’s killer) keep his job at one point.

1. Imagine getting a job interview where you actively refused to answer any questions, bc you know you had the votes.

Without racism, single payer ACA - OBAMACARE - would have been the law of the land ten years ago.

Since he literally went out with a bang, which was also a with a marvelous self-own....

I have never understood the appeal for some men of displaying their genitals, whether via dick pics, video calls, public exposure, or as you describe.

There are actually people lining up to defend this idiot! Like, yes, this pandemic has introduced a whole host of challenges, and the necessities of remote work and meetings have left everyone needing to adjust to how they do things. But I can say the easiest part of my workday, every single day, has been not

“63-Year-Old Black Man Granted Parole After Spending Nearly 24 Years in Louisiana Prison for Stealing Hedge Clippers”

Omar is the goat. That is all. 

It’s hilarious that a guy marketing himself and his company as “Cyber Security Experts” is being lead around by the nose by a Russian disinformation operation. And by hilarious I mean profoundly disturbing.

Which has been my frustration this year. As much as I would’ve given my right arm to watch Warren clean Trump’s clock... I’m now down to admitting that Biden *had* to be the nominee. Because the bottom line is that *somehow* (DESPITE all the handsiness!!!) he’s just so inoffensive.

Another Ohio voter, a retired steelworker named John Melody, put a finer point on it: “I thought the girl just wanted the job because she wanted to be the boss, that’s all,” he said.

The whole ‘Lock her up’ chant was trial run in Ukraine.

When I worked at a law firm in Toronto — frequently ranked by National Geographic as the world’s most multicultural city, and one where something like 40% of residents don’t speak English at home — we figured out that a lot of very talented junior lawyers with non-Anglo names weren’t getting asked to work on the

1. Jay made my head hurt. Like I have a migraine now. I feel like Jay owes me money for reading that screed.