Dosadi's failed experiment

The lack of money isn’t just some historical artifact or natural law, it’s the result of racism repeatedly extracting wealth from Black people. Uplift and reinvestment are important, but the order of things is not because of some internal defect of the community.

What a glorious time to be Mitch McConnell. He can live his most authentic fucking shitty life and doesn’t even have to exert the most minimal effort to hide anything.

Not to go all Lifehacker on you, but I was this many years old when I realized that I could wipe out the liquid detergent cups with dirty laundry going into the clothes washer so that the cups didn’t become all gooey and nasty and, thus, wasting precious drops.

What continues to annoy me is that people defend Lucas as “not racist.” The guy who ran the pizza parlor he worked as a teen, or his friend from school. “He’s not racist.”
These same people try to dismiss “systemic racism.” They fail to understand that these cops don’t have to be lynching, n-word spewing klansmen.

America (the culture) has lied to me from an early age. America made me feel uncomfortable in my own skin. American made me feel uncomfortable speaking in public. America made me feel uncomfortable about my brown skin and my Latino culture. America made me feel less than ________. America made me a mental patient.

Mike’s right — you all need to have lives apart from The Root and especially apart from the cowardly trolls whose anonymity is the only thing that gives them what they consider power, but is only...nothing. Just nothing.

Honestly, given that Kinja was, is and will be into the future a giant piece of shit that makes attempts to moderate and deal with bad faith-shit-stirring trolls a massive waste of time, I don’t blame the staff from taking one look at the greys and going ‘nope’ and moving on.

Another thing to be embarrassed about besides your free throw shooting.

THIS is the story of the day IMO, from my hometown paper:

I just need to say here that as an attorney who has been practicing for 25+ years and who has seen a lot of otherwise smart male lawyers do very dumb things when they have attractive female clients, I find that heart at the end very concerning.

I find it interesting that these sister fuckers get such thumb-sized erections over the loss of gym access and that required mask-wearing somehow impedes the liberties of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But when there is video after video of Black and Brown people having their actual Constitutional rights

The plotters, according to an FBI affidavit, seemed to be motivated by their belief that state governments, including Michigan’s, were violating the Constitution. One of those involved complained in June that Whitmer (D) was controlling the opening of gyms

Militias just tried to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer and got snatched.

That’s part of what’s crazy.

He has so little to lose, because he’s in such deep debt shit.

It isn’t about him “losing” everything. He “owes” everything to somebody.

It’s about the American People seeing who that somebody is.

It’s about clarifying the oligarchy and getting people pissed off at a class of “Americans”

The focus on getting Trump out and making it all about him personally has led to the neglect of the dangers of Pence.

I want him to lose of course, but dying the next day would let him off too lightly. Let him live long enough to see all the pending cases against him prosecuted. Let him live just long enough to see himself lose everything. Let him see his kids being convicted. Then when he has nothing left except his failing health

Let the congregation say Amen! Let the evil and their wickedness all be weighed down with the plagues they have wrought on the lives of others - death, disease, famine and incarceration. Let them all drink bleach, be treated with hydroxychloroquine and suckle the teats of the bloated orange beast - for he is ambrosia

Co-worker of my wife made a cake for the whole staff when Obama was elected. They (wife and the co-worker) were the only liberals in an all Republican staff up in the red-ass state of Alaska so it was especially fun; apparently, whenever people would come in and grab a bite of the bonus treat and inquire as to the